Hey Sean,
I think that I'm not explaining very well
So, normally when you have the hotspots on the map and you clik on read more you will land on a page with url something like this yoursite.com/hotspots/1:category-name/1-hotspots-name
This is what we call single view -> in single view you have a big image, a map with only the location and the long description for this location.
Now if you don't want to send the user to this page, but would rather prefer to send them to articles, k2 or sobiPRO - you could use the backend to link to one of those components. If you use it, then when the user clicks on read more he will be redirected to the article in com_content or k2 instead of the hotspot single view.
Basically you need to manually enter the information in the 2 places. Where the information in k2 for example is the "main" info and hotspots is only used to show the locations on the map.
Do you get it now?