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INTERNET EXPLORER - URGENT PLEASE! 13 years 4 months ago #14404

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Yesterday we started to use the hotspots component and we were very glad with it, but today we were reported by several partners that the component wasn't working with Internet Explorer and they couldn't see the map.

It works well with Chrome and Firefox, but with Internet Explorer (latest version) it looks like this:

Please, can you tell us how to solve it?

Kind Regards,

INTERNET EXPLORER - URGENT PLEASE! 13 years 4 months ago #14406

  • Eliecer Marchante
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Hi there,

I had a similar problem in the past.

What version of Joomla are you using? If it's the 1.5, you should install the Version 1.5.23.
Or could be a template problem (try one of the default templates to see if the problem is solved)
Validate your site using http://validator.w3.org/ and try to solve as many problems as you can.

Let's us know if you solve the problem.

INTERNET EXPLORER - URGENT PLEASE! 13 years 4 months ago #14407

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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If you enable the console in IE9(click F12) you get this output

js.php?id=5eef5b9860a98f0ee3477d9c689948a9, line 1 character 21428
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'appendChild': object is null or undefined
js.php?id=59974e54001de7a4ebb866cef8939f6f, line 3 character 242

You are minifying a big portion of your javascript and something goes wrong there. My advise would be to disable the minify plugin that you use and then look at the console output for more information what could be wrong.


INTERNET EXPLORER - URGENT PLEASE! 13 years 4 months ago #14414

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Thanks so much for the quick answer!!!

It's true Daniel! We use the yootheeme minifying core plugin selected, because I think I was selected like that in the template configuration when we bought it...I think they even suggest it to be like that to increase website performance. And so far that never caused any problem to any other component. So, before disabling it I decided to try Eliecer suggestion and updated our joomla version 1.5.22 to 1.5.24 in a completely CLONE website we use for tests (same server even), and then some magic happened. The map finally appeared in IE9!!! I still notice something strange, a small loop maybe due to the minifying..I don't know...
Now I have a big doubt and I would appreciate your help once more.
In your opinion...in abstract..can a "simple" joomla upgrade from 1.5.22 to 1.5.24 cause any major problems to the other components we have installed in our website? Do people usually complain about this? Should I worry about it or just to make the upgrade and that's all?????
It's a kind of huge newbie question..but I just don't wanna make a bad move a eventually damage the hole site if that could eventually happen...

Thanks once more Eliecer and Daniel!!
Looking forward to hear from you!

Kind regards,

INTERNET EXPLORER - URGENT PLEASE! 13 years 4 months ago #14416

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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I don't understand what you mean with a "small loop"? What is this? Can you give us a link?

Generally noting bad happens when you upgrade joomla, but there are cases when something brakes... So my advise would be - get akeeba backup ( akeebabackup.com ) make a backup before the upgrade and if anyhting goes wrong, then use the backup...

I won't charge you for the akeeba backup tip :D:D:D


INTERNET EXPLORER - URGENT PLEASE! 13 years 4 months ago #14417

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ah and joomla 1.2.24 comes with updated mootools version - 1.2.5 - (1.5.22 has mootools 1.2.4) so maybe this is the reason why the minification doesn't brake things in IE nwo.

INTERNET EXPLORER - URGENT PLEASE! 13 years 4 months ago #14422

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Hello Daniel,

We do have Akeeba for quite some time..It was used in the 1st place to clone our website and then we use it to do our regular backups.
The idea of having the need to use it to restore our main website, thinking that eventually something wont be like before is the thing that worries me more...anyway I'm glad you point me in the right direction!
I'll probably go firstly for this approach: New backup > Clean clone > Joomla upgrade > Tests. After that If I wont notice anything working wrong then I'll do the simple Joomla upgrade on the main website. I think is the best!

Thanks once more!! A lot!

Kind regards,
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