I opened JOSC_post.php.
Changed this:
public function voting_cell($mode, $num, $id) {
return "<li><div id='$mode$id' class='voting_$mode' onclick='JOSC_voting($id,\"$mode\")'><span>$num</span></div></li>"; }
public function voting_cell($mode, $num, $id) {
return "<li><a id='$mode$id' class='voting_$mode' onclick='JOSC_voting($id,\"$mode\")'><span>$num</span></a></li>"; }
But even before doing anything in CSS, the above change caused the voting icons not to be displayed.
All I could see on the frontend are the number of votings up and votings down. Like this:
0 1
with a line beneath the numbers, as if they are links.
But all the styling and icons were gone.
I don't know if this is the only place you meant I should change the div to <a>,
but if you happen to know of another place or something I could change then please do let me know.
Many thanks,