Just a thought...
At the moment, the backend works like this.
In my opinion, I don't understand why an "
End date", should be there, when it is as it is.
I mean, let's say the event lasts for several days, and there are changing opening hours.
It is extremely logical that events (well, everywhere I have been) change opening hours occurding to which day it is. For example, events on Wednesdays normally do not keep going as long as an event on a Friday or Saturday. Weekdays people work, and therefore many Events take this into account, by opening accordingly after work hours. But the weekends have different opening times.
So from that way of thinking, it would be smarter to introduce some way for time alterations, daily.
If the fields covering time where isolated, and the date incremented according to need (for example "Add next day" or something) then the times daily would be easier.
It might give booking trouble, as that would also be effected... as also many events have variations in price according to weekday.
I know that this way of doing things would be much more correct for basically every event I know of, apart from one-night parties.