Okay going to reinsert it again (just for you
) - you have to edit components/com_matukio/views/event/tmpl/modern.php
Just search for COM_MATUKIO_BEGIN - and replace the two table lines (begin and end) with the following code
<?php if ($this->event->showbegin > 0) :?>
<td class="key" width="80px">
<?php echo JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BEGIN'); ?>
<?php echo $htx1 . JHTML::_('date', $this->event->begin
, MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('date_format_small', 'd-m-Y, H:i')) . $htx2; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->event->showend > 0) :?>
<td class="key" width="80px">
<?php echo JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_END'); ?>
<?php echo $htx1 . JHTML::_('date', $this->event->end
, MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('date_format_small', 'd-m-Y, H:i')) . $htx2; ?>
<?php endif; ?>