Is it possible also to add the JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); function?
Since there is no mouseover function for radiobuttons I hade to make an ugly language override:
STIPENDIUM="<span class='editlinktip hasTip' title='Stipendium::Ich bin nicht älter als 25 Jahre und noch in Ausbildung (Studium, Berufslehre) und wünsche ein Stipendium für diesen Workshop.'>Stipendium <img src='http://localhost:8888/panch/media/com_matukio/images/0012.png' border='0' style='vertical-align: absmiddle;'/></span>"
After I have added JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); into views/bookevent/tmpl/default.
At the same time I did modify line 308 in administrator/components/com_matukio/helper/util_booking.php from
echo '<label for="' . $field->field_name . '" width="100" title="' . JText::_($field->label) . '">';
echo '<label for="' . $field->field_name . '" width="100">';
to prevent that the tip was shown twice.