Hello Yves,
Thank you for the latest Matukio release 6.0.7. Along with the other users (Steven & Sonia) who have posted their comments on the page, I have realised that when using PayPal (standard) that after the payment has been completed, on the Pay Pal site, and the user returned to the original site the Status is “Pending” and the Payment Status is “Outstanding”! I can assure this did not happen with pre 6.0.6 Matukio releases!
I am absolutely sure that the Status was “Participation Assured” and Payment Status was “Paid” when the payment was accepted and the user returned to the original website after using the online payment processor PayPal! This meant NO manual task to “Activate” the booking in the back end was required and the “Paid” icon in the back end would be a green tick as a result. This is clearly something that has been caused in the latest update either with Matukio or with PayPal and other payment gateways! Which is it?
This is a fundamental change for which a satisfactory explanation and solution should be provided! Are you going to look into this matter properly to determine the problem?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Mr B