I have a client with a WP site using Calendarize It! Nice component if a little quirky and not always intuitive. I'm changing her over to Joomla and bought Matukio as I think it will fit her needs. So, a few questions. (Development URL :
1. When setting up a new event, there is the field "Brief Description". Great.. where is "Full Description"? Is there one? If not, the labeling is confusing.
2. I have inserted an image in the "Brief Description". If I click through to the details of the event it shows up fine. If I mouse over the event in the calendar, the "tooltip" popup shows all the "Brief Description" except that the image is not shown, but an "Image not found" icon appears in its place. Also, the tooltip window runs off the bottom of the screen if it's long.
3. Is it possible to get a thumbnail of the event image in Calendar view in addition to the event name and time (see here for how I'd like it to show - this is very important to my client and her events it show like this -
) Maybe this could be added as a custom field - image.
4. When in the map part of the event details, there is a field to enter the address you want to navigate from. Is there the ability to allow for user location (particularly useful if viewed on a mobile device) so the "Current Location" can be entered without the user typing it in?
5. ZIP was, oddly, shown before City on the booking form. I found out how to reorder it finally, but very cumbersome. At least up and down arrowns would have been nice, or, better still (like Joomla and many components are going to) drag and drop.
6. I added a custom field thinking I could use this for the booking page. I can Unpublish, but I see nowhere to Delete.
7. Is there no way for my client to view stats from the frontend? Does she have to log into the backend to see them? If yes, then the addition of the ability to view stats on the frontend would be very useful. I don't really want my clients to have to log into the backend - too confusing for them. At the very least, if it MUST be the backend, allow it to be displyed in a module so I can set it to the dashboard.
8. I did a booking for a free event I'd created. I got 2 almost identical emails. Both had attachments. The first had a PDF ticket with an xml file, the second the same ticket, but no xml. Both had identical body content. How do I stop the double email and what is the xml file useful for?
EDIT: I think the second email was to me as the organizer.
9. How do I force radio buttons to display vertically? They only seem to display in a line currently. Also, they option names all have underscores between words.
10. "Confirm email address". This would require a check to see that it matches the previously entered input. Is this possible?
11. On the detail page of the event, there is a thumbnail to the left of the event. I found where this is set, but I don't really want it showing as it's already in the body? It just wastes space. This is what I'd like as per #3 item.
12. Discounts for multiple tickets is a must have! I see another thread saying it's planned for 5.3, but that's over 6 months old and the version number is still 5.2.8. Multiple tickets discounts is a basic event requirement.
13. Terms & Conditions. Don't see how to do this. Please refer to the attached file. This is all I need, but I can't see any way to do it. I tried "Spacer with text" but got a very strange output. No formatting or anything but unformatted text seemed to be available.
Looks great until you mouse over the body - the background changes to white hiding everything. I can't image why anyone would ever want a hover background. I sure don't!!