Do you a link to your site?
What version etc are you on?
I also had this issue, and it turned out to be something simple. If I remember correct, I believe this is the template.
If you are using the latest Comment version (RC) then the only template that works correctly is the Modern one.
This is due to some XSS security trouble.
Could you test out the default Modern template?
avatars are off but their area remains
15 years 1 week ago #9079
You are using myModern template.
Could you test the Modern template?
Upgrading does not remove custom templates.
But, you should upgrade to the latest version due to this XSS security issue.
Also, if you could adjust your date settings?
At the moment it defaults to %Y as the first entry.
If you swap that with the last part of the date so it is %d%m%Y then perhaps it helps...
avatars are off but their area remains
15 years 1 week ago #9083
Well, the old templates are not really speaking the same language anymore to the new stuff needed for security issues in the latest version.
So it will be only bits and pieces that will be taken into use.
Which is why JonusC will be rebuilding the old templates so they will be compatible again.
avatars are off but their area remains
15 years 1 week ago #9144
Yes you will have to take the new modern from RC1 and create a new custom template from it, do not use the old one. It's OK to do this now, because 4.0 RC1 is probably the last release. The new 4.1 we are working on will use a completely different template system.
avatars are off but their area remains
15 years 1 week ago #9151