1. why in first website Comments appeares translated without lithuanian in utils.php and in the second website don't?
2. Why sometimes website opens not in default language? Maybe this is a reason that I firstly translate my core joomla modules and other things in Lithuanian and only later I translate everything from Lithuanian to other languages? Can be this isn't OK? Should I leave core Joomla in english and it translate to Lithuanian ? Sorry if this question isn't in place in your forum, because I came to ask about Comments...
Things like this is often for the same reason as why socks disappear
To me it seems like your question number 2 is perhaps answering nr one.
Leave the core in English, as it installs, and install the language files as they should be.
Hehe, I did the same thing a couple of years back, by just renaming the Norwegian language files to the English filenames. It worked, seemingly, but the system was thinking it was giving Englishg out, but it was giving Norwegian visibly.
So of course, the default was in fact English, just with a different
=util.php is nicely documented in the documentation files.
Sorry, joking again, I saw it in another post and mentioned it previously here, but since you were still having the same problems, I just assumed that you didn't go there.
On your
site, it seems you have English mixed in there, as articles start off:
Written by Administratore
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 03:26
-and the
Read more is also English.