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TOPIC: Please, help me! Problem with codification

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 3 months ago #775

  • punkpanter
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I was using the 2.40 version of !JoomlaComment, I uninstall it and install the 3.26 version. It is working.
The problem is that all the OLD comments have now strange characters (íó€±) My web is in spanish. I try the "Convert to iso-8859-1" function but give me an error: "Local charset is empty ! check your setting"

¿What do I have to do?

Thank you.

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 3 months ago #975

  • punkpanter
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¿Any suggestions? :unsure:

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 3 months ago #976

  • Ajay Lulia
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Can you PM me your website so that I can look into it?

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 2 months ago #1007

  • Ajay Lulia
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when are you getting the error when submitting an comment?

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 2 months ago #1013

  • punkpanter
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No, the error comes up when I click in the "Convert to iso-8859-1" button, in the backend.

The new comments are working fine, my problem is with the old ones, I want to fix the bad characters (íó€±). When that comments was sent (in the 2.40 version) doesn't have those rare symbols.

(I hope you can understand my bad spanglish)

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 2 months ago #1134

  • caribou
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I'm sorry to help you so late.....

To fix this message error, in the administrator/components/com_comment/admin.comment.php change the block
case "convertlcharset" :
		    	convertlcharset($cid, $option, $defaultconfig->_local_charset);
by the following :
case "convertlcharset" :
			$defaultconfig = new JOSC_defaultconfig($component);
		    	convertlcharset($cid, $option, $defaultconfig->_local_charset);

and try again. (select only old comment items, before executing this task....)

hope it helps.
best regards.

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 2 months ago #1144

  • punkpanter
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Thank you! :woohoo:
The error message has gone.

Now, I have a new problem :(

Using the "Convert to iso-8859-1" function, the comment changes from this:

:lol: hola heee en cuanto a lo escrito diré:

1. En cuanto a los artículos que
escribo, para ser honesta no espero ser alagada, ni felicitada (añadidura),
simplemente conseguir en los demás despierte el espíritu de la reflexión; Ese
mismo que dices te deja “¡Plop!”. Sí, así como suena, y lo digo por que
como escritora son pasiones las que imprimimos en cada una de las letras, pero
cabe resaltar que son de la índole que podemos controlar a tal punto de llegar
a sensibilizar el corazón de quien se adentra en la obra y ese mi dama, es el
objetivo final. Si eso llegare a cumplirse entonces hemos alcanzado el objetivo
y por ende me convence más como autora que aquello plasmado es de calidad.
Entonces sientes esa pequeña ponzoña de bienestar interno que dice: ¡Así o
Más alagada!.

2. Más que como Psicóloga, como escritora diré: Que las
contrariedades producto de los sentimientos son completamente entendibles....

To this:

:lol: hola heee en cuanto a lo escrito diré:

1. En cuanto a los artículos que
escribo, para ser honesta no espero ser alagada, ni felicitada (añadidura),
simplemente conseguir en los demás despierte el espíritu de la reflexión; Ese
mismo que dices te deja

As you can see, the "Ã" was properly replaced for an "í", but... I lost almost the 70% of the text...

I test another comment and I think the problem is caused by this symbol: †When it appears in the text, everything after gets deleted.
(I attached an image of the symbol, it doesn't show up in the forum)

Example 2:

Lo que nunca pasó
Personalmente creo que depende de cada relación como termina. No soy la ex de
nadie aquí… mi ex no vive en Colombia, pero si puedo decir que no todas las
relaciones terminan mal ni tampoco el odio corroe los buenos momentos. Al menos
eso no me pasa a mí. Yo a mi ex la aprecio le deseo lo mejor y ella también
a mí.
Lamentablemente existen mujeres absorbentes, obsesivas que creen que
tenemos que seguir detrás de ellas como si fuéramos sus sombras. Niñas,

Y a las demás queda decirles que
no cierren las puertas por nadie. Frecuenten los espacios y vayan a donde
quieran porque si las demás quieren seguir pensando en “lo que nunca
pasó” que sean ellas las que se envenenen.

"Convert to iso-8859-1"

Lo que nunca pasó
Personalmente creo que depende de cada relación como termina. No soy la ex de
nadie aquí

The problematic symbol do not seem to be a popular one, so I will try to avoid the "iso-8859 convert" in comments that have it. Anyway, if you can give me a solution, I'll be very grateful.

Thank you again for your answer, it was really helpful.

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 2 months ago #1145

  • caribou
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Buenos dias punkpanter,

Important: if you need to get back converted comments, you can find comments as they were before conversion in #_coment_utf8 table of your database.

Was this comment a new or an old comment ?
As I wrote, it was important to select only old comments. Because the new one's do not need to be converted.

If it was an old, maybe this myconv or ut8_convert does not like those type of spanish characters... I'm sorry for those cases. :(
For those cases, you should edit (by backend) each comment and change manually the characters....:S
how many do you have one's ?:blink:

Hasta luego !

Please, help me! Problem with codification 16 years 2 months ago #1156

  • punkpanter
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Thank you, Alain :laugh:

The comments was old.

Should be, like you said, a especific problem just with the symbol â€, that I think represents this: " ¡ " in spanish, but I'm not sure yet.

Fortunately, the people don't write it so often, so I can change it manually.

THANK YOU and hasta luego :)
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