I got my hopes up too early. I seriously have no idea what i'm doing, i bought a high-rated book for Joomla extension development to try and get a deeper grasp of it (I was going to eventually) instead of being the google cowboy i always am, and even read up on RealSimpleDiscovery and MetaWeblog API, but...
...I seriously have no idea what this part of code in the rsd.php plugin is even for. Commenting it out seemed to do nothing, I can still publish articles (well sort of, they dont appear in the front-end, only the backend, but ive identified that as another issue - possibly interopability with Windows Live Writer).
} elseif( $this->isFrontpage(JURI::getInstance()) ){
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$attribs = array('type' => 'application/rsd+xml', 'title' => 'RSD');
$xmlLink = JURI::root().'index.php?rsd=RealSimpleDiscovery';
$document->addHeadLink($xmlLink, 'EditURI', 'rel', $attribs);
...and the function isFrontpage() is just below it...
function isFrontpage($uri){
if($uri->current()== (JURI::root() || JURI::root().'index.php') && $uri->_query=="")
return true;
return false;
My not-very-educated guess is, that, all that is for is the "auto-configuration" feature of Windows Live Writer. You know, how you enter your website address, and it tries to detect your settings? I don't know - i only gather that because it seems to be trying to run addHeadLink() on the frontpage.
I also further concluded that the problem must be that this "feed" creation code or whatever it is, is running when it shouldn't be. I don't know why it's conflicting with JoomlaComment though. I understand how it conflicts with JoomlaPack, because both use XML-RPC plugins.
This makes me wonder - JoomlaComment might be to blame partly? Do we need to modify the runtime conditionals of JoomlaComment plugin?
Well, I don't know if ANYONE will understand any of that. Half of it i'm just making educated guesses with, I don't know that much about Joomla yet, just a basic understanding of scripting in general. But the main point of why i was so detailed there is to raise awareness and keep you guys up to date
maybe someone smart will notice and help us out!
Anyway, if you can try this experimental change to RSD Joel please do. All i did was change the isFrontpage() function:
function isFrontpage(){
return (JRequest::getCmd( 'view' ) == 'frontpage') ;
(and I also got rid of the JURI::getInstance() parameter from the elseif just above it, of course, since it isn't needed)
I can't test it properly myself yet, because I can't even publish from WLW with the original RSD plugin right now - it appears in the backend and the category and everything is right, but my site is stuffed up somewhere and it won't display
have a go for us if you can! Just extract rsd.php to the folder at \plugins\system\ and over-write the old one (but back it up first I suppose).
EDIT: Holy cow I think I fluked it
If i go to http://localhost/index.php?rsd=RealSimpleDiscovery it displays the correct XML output, I think? LOL!