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TOPIC: v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6611

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JonusC wrote:

Back on topic, the good news Joel is that Justo has given us permission here at CompoJoom to update the RSD plugin as he abandoned it over a year ago. Now, it's just a matter of fixing it :) I will take a look within the next few days (unless someone beats me to it).

That is PHENOMENAL news. Even Post-Joomla-internship Justo be The Man!
Thank you Justo!

After the first bugfix, with Daniels' permission I will contact Justo and negotiate about merging the RSD plugin under the umbrella of CompoJoom.com so we can have a seperate Forum section and documentation for it, and I hope I/we can continue to maintain and improve it.

That Daniel and/or you are willing to take and maintain this as a [basically] service to the J! community is awesome.
D and JC, you rock!

Heck, I'm considering buying Biggie Smalls now, and I don't even need it! :D

Open source prevails!

Indeed. Maybe one day it'll prevail for good.. ;)

Thank you much gents.
Keeping an eye out for the [new and improved] CompoJoom RSD plugin!


v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6635

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I got my hopes up too early. I seriously have no idea what i'm doing, i bought a high-rated book for Joomla extension development to try and get a deeper grasp of it (I was going to eventually) instead of being the google cowboy i always am, and even read up on RealSimpleDiscovery and MetaWeblog API, but...

...I seriously have no idea what this part of code in the rsd.php plugin is even for. Commenting it out seemed to do nothing, I can still publish articles (well sort of, they dont appear in the front-end, only the backend, but ive identified that as another issue - possibly interopability with Windows Live Writer).
} elseif( $this->isFrontpage(JURI::getInstance()) ){
            $document	=& JFactory::getDocument();
            $attribs = array('type' => 'application/rsd+xml', 'title' => 'RSD');
            $xmlLink = JURI::root().'index.php?rsd=RealSimpleDiscovery';
            $document->addHeadLink($xmlLink, 'EditURI', 'rel', $attribs);

...and the function isFrontpage() is just below it...
function isFrontpage($uri){
        if($uri->current()== (JURI::root() || JURI::root().'index.php') && $uri->_query=="")
            return true;
            return false;

My not-very-educated guess is, that, all that is for is the "auto-configuration" feature of Windows Live Writer. You know, how you enter your website address, and it tries to detect your settings? I don't know - i only gather that because it seems to be trying to run addHeadLink() on the frontpage.

I also further concluded that the problem must be that this "feed" creation code or whatever it is, is running when it shouldn't be. I don't know why it's conflicting with JoomlaComment though. I understand how it conflicts with JoomlaPack, because both use XML-RPC plugins.

This makes me wonder - JoomlaComment might be to blame partly? Do we need to modify the runtime conditionals of JoomlaComment plugin?

Well, I don't know if ANYONE will understand any of that. Half of it i'm just making educated guesses with, I don't know that much about Joomla yet, just a basic understanding of scripting in general. But the main point of why i was so detailed there is to raise awareness and keep you guys up to date :D maybe someone smart will notice and help us out!

Anyway, if you can try this experimental change to RSD Joel please do. All i did was change the isFrontpage() function:
function isFrontpage(){
        return (JRequest::getCmd( 'view' ) == 'frontpage') ;

(and I also got rid of the JURI::getInstance() parameter from the elseif just above it, of course, since it isn't needed)

I can't test it properly myself yet, because I can't even publish from WLW with the original RSD plugin right now - it appears in the backend and the category and everything is right, but my site is stuffed up somewhere and it won't display :P have a go for us if you can! Just extract rsd.php to the folder at \plugins\system\ and over-write the old one (but back it up first I suppose).


EDIT: Holy cow I think I fluked it :woohoo: If i go to http://localhost/index.php?rsd=RealSimpleDiscovery it displays the correct XML output, I think? LOL!

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6639

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Glory Be and the saints be praised, it works!

But, aww shucks - I just realized that RSD Plugin is not even required for Desktop Publishing, all it does is provide auto-discovery of a MetaWeblog API entry point.

*Facepalm* ah well.

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6645

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Yeah, I think you beat me to your own punchline Jonus.

I don't claim to understand half the PHP mumbo-jumbo you spewed up there (2 posts back) but I will confirm for you that all RSD does, all it was ever meant to do, is provide a simple 'auto config' mechanism for things like WLW, Flock, BlogDesk, et al.

I think, in fact, all it does is create an XML file w/ the correct infos and feed it to the client (e.g. WLW, which then uses MetaWeblog API for it's interactions w/ the J! site).

Further, I think I'm supporting these hypotheses when I note that I can disable RSD after I've config'd an account in WLW and still post articles (which do show up, I can confirm, and using the stock RSD that is).

So... Thanks for your efforts. Sorry no joy.

I think there *could* be truth that JC could be causing some of the issue but I'm no programmer so I'll leave my conjecture out of it.

You and Daniel pointing out the error from RSD was enough for me to at least work-around my problem. As I've said, I can simply disable RSD and I'm good. Should I need to configure another account or client, I can just re-enable RSD.
This may not work for sites w/ many contributors, etc. who may have to set up clients often, but I am not that site.

Thanks again for all you efforts and I'm sure you'll ultimately prevail.


v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6646

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Well Joel, the RSD plugin I posted above is officially the newest, post-v1.3 version of RSD Plugin :laugh: I fixed the bug with the XML meta file generator.

Yeah, you're spot on with all of that. But if you use that PHP file you can leave RSD plugin enabled permanently, I guarantee it :) (unless of course, you also use JoomlaPack, I havn't tested that yet). How embarrassing... I made a stupid mistake lol, don't bother with the ZIP file above. We'll release a new Weblog API package soon that's thoroughly tested. I should get some sleep :laugh:

I've already started working on the MetaWeblog API to support additional, extended capabilites from Destop Publishing software. I've taken interest in a formerly-Freeware, recently become open-source blog software called Zoundry Raven - the fact that it's Open Source is a big plus (will hopefully be cross platform soon) and I hope to see things like, for example, an option to choose "Disable comments on this article" in the editor (i.e., the MetaWeblog plugin will interface directly with JoomlaComment).


Alright, so this is resolved then it seems. You're all sorted now, Joel? :)

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6647

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        } elseif( $this->isFrontpage(JURI::getInstance()) ){
            $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
            $attribs = array('type' => 'application/rsd+xml', 'title' => 'RSD');
            $xmlLink = JURI::root().'index.php?rsd=RealSimpleDiscovery';
            $document->addHeadLink($xmlLink, 'EditURI', 'rel', $attribs);

This is actually easy. What it does is - it looks if that is the frontpage, then it load the document - the document can be html, xml, pdf and so. Once we have the document we make an array with attributes. Then we create a link to the xml file. Then we just output this link to the head. Here is more info on the function:

Was here the fatal error?

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6657

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1st off: Yes, thank you Jonas, I'm resolved. :)

JonusC wrote:

We'll release a new Weblog API package soon that's thoroughly tested. I should get some sleep :laugh:

I've already started working on the MetaWeblog API to support additional, extended capabilites from Destop Publishing software. I've taken interest in a formerly-Freeware, recently become open-source blog software called Zoundry Raven - the fact that it's Open Source is a big plus (will hopefully be cross platform soon) and I hope to see things like, for example, an option to choose "Disable comments on this article" in the editor (i.e., the MetaWeblog plugin will interface directly with JoomlaComment).

Zoundry has blipped on my radar once or twice but I've never really looked into it. Just FYI if you're going to dig into the MetaWeblog API XMLRPC there is also a MovableType XMLRPC that, if I'm not mistaken, may provide more functionality..

Actually, here it is: extensions.joomla.org/extensions/news-production/blog/3831
It is GPL so maybe that helps.
My understanding is that this might provide me with better functionality than MetaWeblog with, for example, WLW or BlogDesk.

Maybe that helps you.
If I get some time I will try the MT XMLRPC.. I wonder if that will change the error w/ RSD and JC? Maybe I'm reaching here....



v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6658

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I think the main reason why MetaWeblog API could be a better choice is because it has near unlimited capability. I havn't read much about Moveable Type objects, but in MetaWeblog I can see how it's easily possible to provide custom buttons in WLW/Raven that are specific to a Joomla Plugin for Article writing (easy example - a Read More button, but is capable of conditionals to check for certain extensions and provide buttons for them)


Yeah, I figured that out after my last post, I completely understand it now. The error is the last line, addHeadLink(); it says it is undefined. I think it has something to do with the plugin being executed when it shouldn't be, and it's conflicting with the RSS Feeds of the articles/JoomlaComment perhaps?

I've tried to make the plugin ONLY run addHeadLink() on the default menu item - that is, on the frontpage or the site root. RSD is only for auto-discovery function, it helps the newbies greatly but it's not critical. As such, I think the RSD should only ever need to be in the < head > of the homepage, not in every article.

I'm sure with this eBook I now have, and the resources on developer.joomla.org - I should be able to modify the plugin to only inject on the siteroot/default menu item/frontpage (whichever comes first). That would be a suitable solution I think?

One step at a time... I know it's very simple but i'll get there :lol:

EDIT: I think this is the problem:
} elseif( $this->isFrontpage(JURI::getInstance()) ){
It is supposed to only be running on the frontpage anyway, isn't it? But it's running everywhere, on every page, and even tries to run when we click the Captcha image to regenerate it - so it's also hooking to the POST request... :laugh: wtf!

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6668

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I think it's safe to say that i've now learnt more about Joomla in the past 48 hours than I have in the 5 months before that.... :P

Here's an updated ReallySimpleDiscovery plugin for Joomla. This is all i'm going to do right now as I must focus on JoomlaComment for a while.


Now, i've finally solved your problem properly! :laugh: And I will no longer update this thread with the off-topic things anymore. If we locked threads I would lock it but I don't so this is officially "closed" startiiiiiing... now!

P.S. That one is installable so if you ever bother to test it/need it just delete the RSD Plugin you have right now then install this one via Extension Manager.

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 4 months ago #6877

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JonusC wrote:

I think it's safe to say that i've now learnt more about Joomla in the past 48 hours than I have in the 5 months before that.... :P

Here's an updated ReallySimpleDiscovery plugin for Joomla. This is all i'm going to do right now as I must focus on JoomlaComment for a while.


Now, i've finally solved your problem properly! :laugh: And I will no longer update this thread with the off-topic things anymore. If we locked threads I would lock it but I don't so this is officially "closed" startiiiiiing... now!

P.S. That one is installable so if you ever bother to test it/need it just delete the RSD Plugin you have right now then install this one via Extension Manager.

Thanks Jonus. I'm glad to see your php skills improving and you are enjoying yourself!
I tried your plugin and congratulations! It works! I can leave it enabled and I was able to test post comments so I'm claiming success.

One small point - I felt you should update the xml file to at indicate that this is not straight-up Justo's RSD. It was necessary for me while testing as I had some trouble and couldn't tell if it was your RSD or the old one still hanging around. I've gone ahead and edited the xml for you (my tiny contribution) as such:
Version now reads v 1.3.xxx (instead of 1.3)
Author now reads Justo de Rivera / Jonus C.

And in the description I added some verbage that the plugin has been mod'd to block a bug in some softwares incl. JoomlaComment. I made it clear in the desc. that the plugin was WRITTEN by Justo and Mod'd by Jonus, so that credit is given where due.

Thanks much Jonus. I'm glad that you are already aware of the MT XMLRPC and that you know which is the better move. I'll be hopefully looking at Zoundry soon and I'm looking forward to some very interesting stuff from you guys. Joomla could *really* benefit from a tight fitting desktop client and I wish you the best of luck and success in getting it out there.

Thanks again,
J. rsd_2009_09_11_versioned.zip

v4 Beta 2 - Submit button has no text, comments are not posting 15 years 3 months ago #6953

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Hey thanks Joel. I didn't get around to doing that as I was rushing just to see if it worked for everyone, but it works for you and me so I guess that's good enough testing for such a simple plugin ;)

Well I plan to update the Meta Weblog and RSD plugins within the next couple of months and announce/release it proper on CompoJoom.com when it's done :)
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