Hey you've got an interesting point. It's just that JoomlaComment is still essentially based on a very old Joomla 1.0 extension that's basically been hacked and updated and added onto to work with 1.5

well no it's not that bad. My point is that the only reason why it's an unrealistic feature
right now is because Daniel is working on a nearly-total rewrite. But we're still in the Beta phase for v4, and v4 was only originally designed to be JoomlaComment v3 updated for Joomla 1.5 native. But he's added lots of features as the users wished for them too

do I make sense there?
Anyway, I actually have no idea what the Component menu item choice does. It's probably just always there for every Joomla Component, and when we choose it via Menu there's just nothing programmed for it. So maybe in a future it can do something fancy
We'll have to get Daniel's feedback on this one of course - i'm not the developer here just a housekeeper

But I thought i'd chuck in my two cents!
P.S. Not quite the same thing, but something I would like to work on is an option to move the Comment form to a DHTML popup window or something (probably in the new wave of templates i'm working on) which is similar, only it wont be on a Menu Item - just a button below the article.