Haha, yes they are. Especially nice for fans of Anime, they have that style to them
Hey thanks a lot for the credit
I've been checking out the dev site and wanted to look at the changes since Alpha 3, but I don't know what has been done since. I figure since my site isn't even open yet and wont be for some time, I was going to download the latest revision you have (147 at time of writing) and help out with the testing from there on. I've made some personal changes to the comment.class.php file which has helped in my new template creation, i'll share them here incase you think they're worth changing in the trunk...
These are purely visual/cosmetic changes, mostly minor, so it's no problem at all if you'd rather not change them for personal reasons
One major thing being, it could make the existing templates not work as nice and look a bit wierd. But hey, it's version 4.0 - We/you should redesign the templates anyway (all based on "modern" which is the only one that actually works well). And yeah, I hope i'm not sounding rude or anything with these suggestions - completely up to you whether you agree, i'm just sharing what i've changed on my site
01) On line 2277...
$website = "<a class='postwebsite' rel='external nofollow' href='$website' title='$website' target='_blank'> </a>";
...the really isn't needed. It helps for spacing, true, but we should really leave that up to the CSS style for the specific template to just add padding... do you think?
02) On line 2177...
return "<span class='postnotify$notifyactive' title='".( $notifyactive ? ( _JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFYTXT1 ) : _JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFYTXT0 )."'> </span>";
...same as above. The forces a space regardless of template, individual template CSS padding would be ideal.
03) Optimize the avatar placement in comments. Line 2271 was...
$html = str_replace('{avatar_picture}', $this->profileLink("<img class='avatar' src='$path' alt='avatar' />", $this->_user_id), $html);
...and I changed to...
$html = str_replace('{avatar_picture}', $this->profileLink("<img class='avatar' src='$path' alt='avatar' height='64px' style='float:left; padding:3px 10px 3px 3px;'/>", $this->_user_id), $html);
a) height='64px' was because my avatar thumbnail in CB settings is much bigger and it looked bad, this is purely a personal choice. Yeah, it does keep the aspect of the image too (doesn't "squash" it). Perhaps a new option in component backend to override avatar size would be nice? I could code that up and post the changes required if you like =)
b) style='float:left; padding:3px 10px 3px 3px;' ok, that's the important one. With the float:left, it allows the text to "wrap around" the image. Padding is self explainatory. Here's a screnshot of this new behavior:
Nice hey!
BUT, here's the catch. Because it's floating, the template won't care about making the comment box fit around it, and the image placement goes all whacky. So I had to modify the 'modern' template's CSS like so - under...
#Comments ul li.post div.postcontent {
...I had to add...
...70px HARDCODED because I don't know how to make the CSS check our defined avatar size of 64px
an inline style I think would be the way, encoded on the fly. Of course, that's only if you want to put in this "Avatar Size" option I mentioned before! Oh - and yeah that is 70px because the avatar was set to 64px height with 3px padding on top and bottom (64+3+3=70).
*Phew*, I have a habit of making big posts. Sorry! Anyway, are there any significant changes in the latest revision? If you want some feature additions, i'd like to try it out and help with the bug fixing
As I said, my site isn't even open/public yet and I will have a LOT of testing infront of me (i've made hacks to CB itself
) But I just don't know how to install from trunk. Download entire com_comment/ folder and upload via FTP? Or is there more to it?
EDIT: OK, I see the comment for Rev. 94 is "release4", is this the same alpha 3 that i'm using right now? Well i'm going to read up on all the changes since then