Thanks for the suggestion.
I used the code from the above link, it had no effect.. there are still empty characters. I change the lenght to 70 but the effect was that the line was shorter but the problem with empty characters remained. Please help !
I was able to edit the template index.html to translate a few sentences, but I still cannot locate where to change the word "begin"
<< Begin < Předchozí 1 2 3 4 Další > Konec >>
"Please input the anti-spam code that you can read in the image"
Here is my website
EDIT: I tried to count all characters to see how many there are before the word break down and it was 50. The 50th character is always an empty one. than I check on the backend to see which line is set to 50 and it was Word max length therefore I changed it to -1 and prolem fixed !
So now I am only looking for translation of above wording...
Thank you