Alpha git41a5279
- Maturity
- Alpha
- Released on
- Wednesday, 30 March 2016 18:33
- fixed layout bug in the integration with k2 2.7.0
- on some installations the tile request was causing a 500 error
- category title shows as a hotspot name when the query was falling back to a search around the globe
- warning in logs parameter 2 to PlgContentHotspotscategory::onContentBeforeSave() expected to be a reference
- the hotspots list module was returning 0 results when sorting by title
- hotspotsanywhere was not properly replacing |
- added PhocaMaps importer
- customfield menu was not selected when active
- added ability to render customfields defined in the template overrides
- added rss_logopath opiton (you can specify your own rss logo image now)
- removed duplicate hs-directions-template causing invalid html
- when searching for hotspots the category title was shown instead of the hotspot title
- now it is possible to change the menu width only with css
- the alias field was not auto-populated & the alias database field was not created when we updated from previous version
- the sticky option set in the k2 plugin is now respected
- Email plugin now only sends a new email when we have a new hotspot, and not when we edit an existing one
- respect edit permissions set in the category and not only in the global hotspots config
- the settings override can be now used for any hotspot variable
- k2 plugin was overriding any customfields set in the related hotspot
- due to a missing alias hotspots were not populated from k2, matukio or jomsocial
- k2 plugin was not adding a title to the hotspot
- when moving around the weather infowindow was added several times on the map making it hard to close it
- the hotspots helper was causing an error on php 5.4
- category description in the filters was not properly encoded
- display the language select field for all users in the frontend (not only for admins as before)
- dashboard had wrong links to the published/unpublished hotspots
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- Hotspots 5.2.1 - Released 18-December-2015
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- update script was not automatically updating the Hotspots config, leading to the Hotspots not loading in frontend
- CB plugin was showing undefined for title of the hotspot
- wrong redirect when SEF urls are turned off and there is an error in the hotspots submit form
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- Hotspots 5.2.0 - Released 17-December-2015
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- joomla 3.4.6 bug - when saving a hotspot in frontend without a description one is redirected to the startpage instead of the form
- the page was automatically scrolling to hotspots (on long pages this is not desirable)
- the tour was not working properly when the menu was starting closed
- single view of a hotspot was not responsive
- now saving & showing the state in the US interface
- removed sensor parameter from the URL as it is no longer required by google maps
- the search now looks for hotspots in 50km radius if nothing is found in the current view and then around the globe
- added a new user hotspots view that can be used from moderators to edit the hotspots in the frontend
- fixed bug with resizing PNG images
- added option to add OGP(Open Graph) information without the need to have the share buttons
- batch operations in backend (duplicate, move, change access level, change category
- the hotspots now have an alias field (will be used for the url)
- added an option to save and create new hotspot (without going back to the hotspots view) in the backend
- custom fields are now visible on the map view (requires an update to your html overrides json view if you have any)
- the submit form could be sent several times when you click the submit button several times
- a wrong created_by id was set when editing a hotspot as an administrator in the frontend
- show "no hotspots found" in the user hotspots view, when the user doesn't have any hotspots
- added edit & delete buttons to a single view of a hotspot (only when the necessary edit/delete rights are set)
- added new Plugin events onMultimediaBeforeUpload & onMultimediaAfterUpload
- filter by language in the backend
- added google recaptcha v2 for the frontend submit form
- Make an option to select if you want to show username or name
- Auto-set the map language depending on the site language
- moderators were not able to delete hotspots in the frontend
- update from version 3.x was not deleting all helper files, leading to errors in the dashboard
- category title and description can be translated in a different language.
- the hotspots anywhere plugin supports providing a menu item id {hotspotsanywhere Itemid} or {hotspotsanywhere lat/lng/zoom | Itemid}
- Wrong query in the hotspots mappings
- The My Location pin was not translated
- aup plugin was installed in the wrong category
- the aup plugin was not assigning any points
- wrong redirect after deleting a hotspot in the frontend when SEF is on
- adding a confirm dialog to the delete own hotspots button in frontend
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- Hotspots 5.1.11 - Released 27-August-2015
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- the message to the owner of a Hotspot was stripped of spaces
- custom marker icon was not shown in single view of a hotspot
- the Matukio plugin now ads the publish_down date of the event
- some update queries were missing and updating from old version such as 2.0.5 was not possible because of this
- .compojoom-bootstrap class was missing from the single hotspot view page
- changed the default quality for the generated thumbs. Now they should have smaller size than the original image :)
- the custom fields label were not correctly aligned
- KML import option now supports unlimited Folder depth for Placemarks
- frontend user hotspots now has a filter for search state, list length + an option to delete own hotspots
- added an option to map Matukio categories to Hotspot categories
- * no language was set in the frontend & because of this the hotspot was not shown on multilingual sites
- added a map background option
- fixes to the CB plugin
- image upload resizing was not working on Chrome browser
- the galleria now goes in fullscreen on double click
- in single view we set the title of the page to the hotspots title & the site name
- fb share now shows the correct title, description & image( if available) and sets lat & lng coordinates
- g+ share now shows the correct title, description & image( if available) and sets lat & lng coordinates
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- Hotspots 5.1.10 - Released 08-June-2015
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- the weather layer was showing up on the map per default, despite being turned off
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- Hotspots 5.1.9 - Released 02-June-2015
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- Submit map was no longer working on Joomla 2.5 (this is also going to be the last release supporting joomla 2.5)
- when the weather layer was enabled the map on the submit page was not working
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- Hotspots 5.1.8 - Released 01-June-2015
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- ^ switching the weather layer to (Google has deprecated it's own weather layer and it will stop working on the 4th of June 2015)
- removed the clouds layer (as Google deprecated it and they it will stop working on the 4th of June 2015)
- removed the panoramio layer (as Google deprecated it and they it will stop working on the 4th of June 2015)
- the jomsocial links profile was no longer generating correct urls to the user's profile
- the community - hotspots plugin was no longer working on Jomsocial 4
- added recaptcha to the contact author of a Hotspot form
- added an option to the k2 plugin to delete an existing hotspot directly from the k2 item
- jomsocial features plugin was not working properly with Jomsocial 4.x
- added a feature to send a mail to the author of a Hotspot
- the hotspots - k2 now supports swtabs
- set correct orientation for the generated thumbs
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- Hotspots 5.1.7 - Released 27-April-2015
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- dashboard was not loading when ccomment 5.3.3 was installed on the site
- fixed reordering issue with custom fields
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- Hotspots 5.1.6 - Released 23-April-2015
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- option to gather anonymous stats about the environment & configuration of the extension
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- Hotspots 5.1.5 - Released 13-April-2015
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- added JED review request on the dashboard
- if we are in category list view look for the presence of the {hotspots} tag only in the introtext field
- The create hotspots menu now has a default categories option. You can specify which categories are visible in the frontend with it.
- output friendly warning when a hotspot is linked to unexisting matukio entry
- sometimes the tabs in teh menu were executing ajax requests due to a jquery ui "feature"
- hardcoded 'Select category' in the frontend submit form
- Hack around joomla bug:
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- Hotspots 5.1.4 - Released 6-April-2015
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- warning when address was missing in single view
- center by marker boundaries was not working
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- Hotspots 5.1.3 - Released 1-April-2015
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- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR for people on PHP 5.3 on single view. Users running PHP 5.4 were not affected
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- Hotspots 5.1.2 - Released 1-April-2015
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- Updating from any version previous to 5.0 would cause a mysql error
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- Hotspots 5.1.1 - Released 31-March-2015
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- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR for people on PHP 5.3. Users running PHP 5.4 were not affected
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- Hotspots 5.1.0 - Released 31-March-2015
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- multiple images upload
- use of to show the images in frontend (with fullscreen support!!!)
- new submit hotspot view in frontend
- single hotspot view no longer relies on mootools
- readmore was shown even though the option in the hotspot was set to no
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- Hotspots 5.0.5 - Released 25-February-2015
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- load the correct language for facebook recommend plugin
- Joomla search plugin was not returning the correct results
- jomsocial, matukio & k2 plugins were unable to select a Hotspots category
- fixed sobiPRO import
- selecting start and end date in the frontend was not visible due to css bug
- on Joomla 2.5 one was not able to delete any hotspots in the backend
- map on dashboard was not showing the markers
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- Hotspots 5.0.4 - Released 30-January-2015
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- KML import now import files that don't have a document node
- KML import now has a default category option
- in some cases the installation was failing on joomla 2.5
- uploading a category marker icon was not working
- it's now possible to seach for more than one hotspot by id in the backend syntax: id: 28,29 etc
- fire onContentChangeState event when a hotspot gets published/unpublished
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- Hotspots 5.0.3 - Released 26-January-2015
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- category icon selection was not working when JSN power admin was enabled
- when category filter was selected KML files were not being loaded due to wrong query
- when the content - categories plugin was enabled one was not able to save hotspots, articles, categories or upload media :(
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- Hotspots 5.0.2 - Released 22-January-2015
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- the publish/unpublish button in the toolbar was not working in hotspots view in backend
- editing categories on joomla 2.5 was not possible
- on some sites the marker icons were not loading
- on joomla 2.5 the content and k2 plugins were crashing the page rendering
- possible page crash when using meta description & keywords
- the single hotspot selection was showing few notices
- locations view was not loading on joomla 2.5
- deleting a hotspot in the backend was resulting in a php error after the deletion
- kml import was no longer working correctly with the new category manager
- wrong link to the categories in the installation quick links.
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- Hotspots 5.0.1 - Released 21-January-2015
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- Due to a wrong category check users were not able to create new Hotspots in the backend
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- Hotspots 5.0.0 - Released 21-January-2015
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- when selecting a parent category automatically select all children
- The tile cache has been moved to joomla's cache folder
- ^ Using Joomla's Category Manager. Now supporting subcategories!
- marker tiles were not loaded on joomla 2.5
- changed the default message that displays when you haven't provided a download id
- kml import now also support StyleMaps definitions in the KML file
- CB plugin - if the user is blocked, not approved, not confirmed or banned then remove his location from the map
- the latest hotspots module has an option to show/hide the author and date
- the mail notify plugin was sending the same email X times to each user (where X is the number of moderators (facepalm))
- the email notify plugin was sending emails to blocked accounts
- reverse geocoding location in the backend was working only for 1 item and for multiple items
- imported KML locations were not being shown on the map due to a missing language value
- added EasySocial avatar and profiles support
- map not working on Ipad in fullscreen mode
- added an option to show the coordinates in the PRO version
- share map & rss is per default disabled in the core version
- when a custom field is not filled out don't show it
- kml import on joomla 2.5 was not working properly
- added a module class suffix support to the latest hotspots module
- javascript error when changing direction's to/from in the hotspots marker
- the matukio integration can now also use the locations define in matukio for each event
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- Hotspots 4.3.3 - Released 19-December-2014
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- submitting a hotspot in the backend was not working under joomla 2.5
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- Hotspots 4.3.2 - Released 18-December-2014
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- submission form was not working in the frontend
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- Hotspots 4.3.1 - Released 15-December-2014
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- customfields assigned to specific categories couldn't be loaded in the hotsptos create view
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- Hotspots 4.3.0 - Released 15-December-2014
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- improved Matukio integration. Now the link to event leads to the new dates view where the user can select a date repeating event
- added option to show latitude and longitude in the frontend
- removed print map option as it was not working since the 4.0 version. Will introduce it back in 4.5
- the content - hotspots plugin now also works in jevents
- Address is not displayed correctly
- zoom not working in the div at the bottom of the map (when menu is turned off)
- removed the loading data indicator near the cursor
- added the hotspotsanywhere plugin. It allows you to include the main hotspots view in a module position or in an article
- the custom fields code has been abstracted and moved to lib_compojoom (have a look at your configured custom fields, you might need to reapply any category relationships)
- custom fields data is now output event for unpublished events
- saving a hotspot with wrong data was not outputing any error information
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- Hotspots 4.2.4 - Released 24-November-2014
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- on some installations the configuration was crashing
- when the title was too long and there was an image, the title was slipping to a new row
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- Hotspots 4.2.3 - Released 23-November-2014
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- on joomla 2.5 the dashboard was crashing on some installations
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- Hotspots 4.2.2 - Released 23-November-2014
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- K2 plugin was not working with custom zoom level
- added option to toggle the states (open, clsoe) of streetview by clicking on the streetview image
- added avatar support for CB, Jomsocial, Kunena and K2
- added profile support for CB, Jomsocial, Kunena and K2
- fontawesome icons for directions search were not loading when emulate bootstrap was on
- map width was not correct when menu was set to start closed
- the menu arrow was not correct when the menu was set to start closed
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- Hotspots 4.2.1 - Released 11-November-2014
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- wrong center when we had coordinates in the url
- wrong offset leading to inability to load hotspots when a filter is selected
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- Hotspots 4.2.0 - Released 10-November-2014
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- remove the installer - hotspots plugin from the core version
- on some installations the dashboard was crashing
- Show correct message when saving a hotspot in the frontend and autopublish is set to off
- list length parameter was not taken into account (the menu list had always 20items...)
- when tabs title is turned off don't show information how to change the tabs...
- added an option to turn off the streetview when a hotspot is selected in the menu list
- added a new custom field: url
- when users don't have any markers in a category, always use the default map center
- wrong tiles generated when no cats filter provided
- centering by marker bounds was not working properly
- wrong catid was used when there was no k2catid=hotspotcatid mapping in the k2 - hotspots plugin
- Map doesn't respect the map type options in backend
- the rss feed is now cached in joomla's cache folder and not in hotspots media folder
- k2 items were saving the hotspot with wrong coordinates (lat & lng were mixed up)
- allow empty in custom fields options was not respected
- map in the dashboard was cut off
- Hotspots is now fully responsive. Works on small screens(iphone, windows Phone, android)
- fixed issues with the tour when tabs are disabled
- making the css a little more bulletproof for templates that are not well written
- emailing the map was not working when the user was not logged in
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- Hotspots 4.1.1 - Released 21-October-2014
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- fixed Jomsocial activity plugin was no longer adding activity to jomsocial
- fixed warning on filters view
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- Hotspots 4.1.0 - Released 20-October-2014
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- added option to emulate bootstrap for templates that don't come with support for the framework
- enter now triggers the direction search in the hotspots list
- added an option to hide the tab title
- when no tab is selected for the menu, we now show the information about the hotspot in a div on top of the map
- added options to select which tab to show in the menu
- the menu closed option was not taken into account
- the k2 plugin was not properly centering the marker
- the k2 plugin was creating a fatal error
- moved all helper files to the frontend /helpers folder
- ^ Renamed hotspotsHelper to HotspotsHelperSettings - this might break your template overrides, so make sure to update them!
- hotspots were not properly loaded on multilingual sites
- hotspots_above_filter & hotspots_below_filter module positions allowing you to display additional info to your users when they click on filters
- onBeforeBuildQuery & onAfterBuildQuery events for developers who want to manipulate the list of hotspots
- $ added missing translations
- made the css a little more bulletproof against badly written templates and extensions
- ^ Switching to the Handlebars.js template framework - you'll need to update your template overrides
- added import locations from KML file
- page class & page heading options in page display in the menu were not respected
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- Hotspots 4.0.6 - Released 10-October-2014
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- tooltips on the filters were cut off
- reorder the toolbar buttons in category view to follow the joomla standard 3.x behavior
- adding fb, twitter & google plus share button on single view of a hotspot
- on some installations users were not able to upload KML files
- the k2 plugin was missing the javascript file
- tour navigation buttons were not translated
- directions search from hotspots list was not working
- ^ changed syntax of underscore js templates - we now use {{ }} instead of - Make sure to update your overrides!
- code cleanup
- reloading update information was not working on joomla 2.5
- kml files were not loaded when no category was selected
- ^ changed the k2 integration behave. Now the fields support geocoding
- category ordering was not respected
- start map in fullscreen was not working
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- Hotspots 4.0.5 - Released 05-October-2014
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- forgotten console.log output
- hotspots were not loading because of a missing tooltip library on some joomla installations
- added new module positions. Check docs on for more details
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- Hotspots 4.0.4 - Released 03-October-2014
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- on update the modified_by table field was not created, due to a typo in the mysql file
- jquery ui tabs can load content using ajax, which screws hotspots if the url contains a query...
- hardcoded language strings
- language file cleanup
- removed unused code
- code cleanup
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- Hotspots 4.0.3 - Released 30-September-2014
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- when there is no filter set, make sure that we look only for hotspots in published categories
- hotspots now respect the address settings
- show author and date settings were having no effect
- marker count was not taken into account
- hardcoded language strings in the map view
- truncating the short description was creating issues with html code
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- Hotspots 4.0.2 - Released 29-September-2014
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- wrong sql syntax in a query on the dashboard
- dashboard buttons were missing icons on joomla 2.5
- removed option to hide categories on top (as we no longer have the categories on top)
- map was not respecting the centering method selected by the user
- styled maps was not working on some installations
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- Hotspots 4.0.1 - Released 27-September-2014
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- old install definitions in the hotspots.xml were preventing it from installing (update was working)
- the complete_uninstall option was not respected when uninstalling the component
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- Hotspots 4.0.0 - Released 24-September-2014
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- Now using joomla's updater for updating core & pro versions
- Removing the liveupdate library as we rely on joomla for updates now
- Change arrow direction when menu opens
- When menu is closed and the user clicks on a hotspot -> open it and center on this hotspot
- menu was not closing on IE11
- added pagination on top of the list in the menu
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- Hotspots 4.0.0 beta1 - Released 27-August-2014
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- still using mootools functions on some places
- using the new sql installer. Now updates from dev to stable, from stable to dev are no longer an issue. Downgrades as well!!! yahoo!
- now using our backend template
- removed the old controlcenter and all backend modules
- added new dashboard
- added map to the k2 item submit view (now user can use a drag and drop marker to specify the location + we have street, city, zip, country) fields
- custom fields were crashing, because values were not escaped.
- new hotspots view - new directions, hotspots & settings
- fixed bug in the SobiPro migrator
- added option to add text above and below the map (in the map menu)
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- Hotspots 3.6.2 - Released 17-March-2014
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- could not create a map menu on Joomla 2.5
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- Hotspots 3.6.1 - Released 12-March-2014
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- fixed - wrong group for k2 plugin
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- Hotspots 3.6.0 - Released 5-March-2014
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- fixed - wrong redirect when using SEF and wrong captcha was entered in the form in the frontend
- fixed - content plugin was not using the custom image
- added an option to override the hotspots settings in the menu
- added k2 plugin that would add a pin for a k2 entry. It also displays a map after the k2 entry
- added jomsocial plugin to add a pin for the user's address on the map
- adding a matukio plugin that can publish the events on the hotspots map
- added an option to unpublish the hotspot created through CB, instead of deleting it
- the cb plugin was not properly deleting the hotspots mappings
- added the compojoom library to the package
- added id column to the hotspots view in the backend
- TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'b.getNorthEast')
- centering in single view was not working properly in some situations
- updated the CB plugin with an option to set the title of the hotspot and to define mappign between hotspots custom fields and cb custom fields
- added the option to geocode the address of a CB user and to add his location in a specific category in Hotspots
- the map controls were not changeble (no position or style could be set)
- powered by cannot be changed from the settings for the core version anymore
- added hotspots_search_tab position (in the menu directly after the directions form)
- adding the ability to show modules in the menu (hotspots_top_category_ID && hotspots_bottom_category_ID positions, where ID is the ID of the category where modules should be shown)
- the copied link was not working on safari browser
- auto-resize the infowindow whenever the user changes the map dimentions
- added list type for the custom fields
- treat the c argument in the url as lat & lng & not as a string for the geocoder
- style the userhotspots view on joomla 3.0
- adding a no matching result message when there are no hotspots
- making the sobiPro improt script compatible with the latest sobiPro version 1.1.5
- customfields were not working on j2.5
- send map & print map was not working in some situations
- removing unused files
- the update script wasn't properly updating the custom fields
- generating unique file names for images. Otherwise they can end up being overridden by accident
- added custom fields support to the hotspots form
- added backend config screen for customfields
- Selecting single hotspot from the menu was not that easy as it was buggy...
- recaptcha was loaded over http connection on https sites
- infobubble was loading resources over http:// instead of https://
- helper was not defined in the CB plugin
- load the correct url for the CB plugin
- the google api was not loaded through https in the CB plugin
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- Hotspots 3.5.x - Released 7-July-2013
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- panoramio user id needs to be stored as a string and not an integer
- search now auto zooms out when we have hotspots outside of the current view
- prevented scrolling the map, when using scroll in the infowindow in firefox
- the hotspots list module had hardcoded language strings in the code
- removed the back link in single view - users are supposed to use the browser's back button (that is why we have it!!!)
- complete_uninstall was not taken into account
- fixed a redirect issue when submitting on the frontend
- switch to the curl class for the geolocation feature
- sobiPro import can now import more than 1000 locations
- the jomsocial plugin was not working properly
- on some servers the uploaded images have wrong permissions. Now manually setting them to 0644
- on some installation uploading a marker image was causing a fatal error
- infoBubble was not opening when in panorama view
- fixing a crash with IE8 when the hotspot had an image
- quick-search was not working when the menu was hidden
- in some situations a fatal error on j3 when creating a category
- infobubble problems with IE8
- if we use geolocation centering it creates problem for single view of hotspots
- language improvements in the menu options (otherwise we had untranslated strings)
- the sys. language file was not loading available translations
- error in the language file
- show all tabs on map was not working propery
- in some situations changing categories was not working properly in frontend
- welcome message was wrong right after the installation when the configuration was never saved
- when importing from sobipro the access field was not properly set
- sorting was not working properly in backend marker view
- fixing XSS vulnerability in the mail function
- insufficient escaping leads to a possible SQL injection 2
- insufficient escaping leads to a possible SQL injection
- users with editState permissions were not able to change the hotspots published state in the frontend
- search was not working when the string we were searching for was containing "id"
- when we had a multilingual site the infowindow was making 2 requests to show the data instead of 1
- changed link to the JED for the core version
- when using the search the menu was always showing up even though the user has closed it
- content plugin is now only executed on featured view if we have the code in the introtext
- added option for width to the content plugin
- added option for zoom to the content plugin
- hotspots adding now per default uses the center & zoom set in the global config
- RSS was not working on joomla 3 & with php strict mode on
- cannot select FAHRENHEIT as temperature unit for the weather layer
- added latest hotspots module
- Link author to jomsocial, CB etc
- KML was not respecting the state of a KML file (published, unpublished)
- KMLs now are cleared when we switch between categories
- it was not possible to save a sample image for the category
- select "show all tabs on map" was refreshing the map instead of showing all the tabs on the map...
- added AUP plugin
- added option to execute the content plugin in K2
- removed the category shadow as the latest google maps API has deprecated it and it is no longer available in the visual refresh
- added option to exclude a category from frontend submission
- the markers on the custom tiles were not clickable
- Infobubble - hiding markers when we use single instance of Infobubble - more info:
- wrong values for boundary and default centering
- added an option to set a custom zoom level when centering using the user's location
- added high accuracy option to the user's geolocation (this will use HTML5 geolocation)
- added an option to center the map using the user's location (based on IP)
- adding a show readmore option for each hotspot in the backend
- markers were disappearing on the map when first clicked
- the markerImage class deprecated in the last version of google Maps API, so moving to the new icon class
- on IE searches that contain UTF8 characters don't return any results
- destroying the infobubble from the dom when we close it
- turned on autopan for the infobubble
- when the menu was hidden we could not resize the map
- moved some options to the map tab where they fit better
- added configuration option for Pan Control
- added configuration option for Zoom Control
- added configuration option for Map type Control
- added configuration option for Scale Control
- added configuration option for Street view Control
- added configuration option for Overview map Control
- added configuration option for Scrollwheel Control
- a notice was display on the form view in frontend when we had a picture
- CB plugin was not displaying the infowindows and markers on the map
- added an option to hide the menu on the right on start
- added an option to hide the quick search form
- added an option to hide the directions button for the marker
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- Hotspots 3.4.x - Released 6-May-2013
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- no spaces when showing the user name
- clicking on a marker in the menu was not working on iphone/ipad
- added plugin to link to Flexicontent
- added plugin to link (read more) hotspots to external sites
- added draggable directions option
- added an option to provide API key & always using an https url to load the map
- added the visualRefresh option
- fixed - height of infowindow content was bigger than the height of the container
- added an option to hide the zoom button
- map in single view was not loading properly when the weather api was on
- address was not properly formatted on some places
- added panoramio layer support
- added bicycling layer support
- added transit layer support
- added traffic layer support
- added weather api support
- added clouds layer support
- the hotspots order setting was not having any effect
- added fullscreen map option
- show author option was missing
- adding reverse geocoding option in the backend
- the color picker for custom tile marker was not working on joomla > 3
- added filter="raw" to the styled map textarea
- the joomla installer cannot copy empty folders and shows a warning. Adding index.html file to the kml folder because of that
- fixed - the content plugin is now only executed when we have the appropriate context. Otherwise we get a high performance penalty
- date_format was of wrong type
- the geocoder feature in the backend was not working
- sending a mail about new hotspots to moderators was not working
- added missing GPL licenses to some files
- some layout improvements in the backend of joomla 3/3.1
- added styled maps feature
- fixed PHP strict warning when creating a hotspot
- user was not able to edit their hotspots in frontend even if the edit.own permission was set
- fixing the CB plugin - should now work on joomla 3
- read more link was wrong in search results
- updated the ccomment plugin integration to be compatible with ccomment5
- a language string was not translated in the javascript
- links to k2 were not SEF
- deleting tiles was not functioning on joomla 3
- added hotspots-fullscreen class to the body when in fullscreen (allows template devs to hide elements)
- the countmarkers function was not properly working on joomla3
- fixed KML was not working properly on j3
- more php strict fixes
- language for each hotspot is taken into account when we present it in the frontend
- fixing some php strict warnings in the router
- frontend marker picture upload setting was not taken into account
- the title of the hotspot in single view was not shown
- when saving hotspot on microsoft server the publish_down date was incorrectly set to the current date of saving
- content - Hotspots plugin is now compatible with joomla 3.0
- adding SQL SERVER compatibility
- some layout issues with the installer on Joomla 3.0
- adding a copy link button
- category-shadow is now required in the category settings
- adding metadata information on map view
- map was not refreshing the locations properly when the search tab was selected
- fixed layout issues on joomla 3.0
- date was not respecting the format setting on the maps view
- fixed a bug with the jomsocial plugin
- some hotspots were not shown on the map and in the menu (bug introduced with the new sorting)
- the check all button in backend was not functioning properly on j3.0
- search by street/country/town was not working - thanks to Grazing Cat .Inc for providing us with a fix
- sorting hotspots by name ASC in the menu
- single hotspots was not rendered when ccomment was selected in the options, but it was not actually installed on the user's site
- sql error when hotspots order is set to created time
- the install script not allows the installation only on joomla >= 2.5.6
- userhotspots was not working on joomla 3.0
- the map was missing from "submit-hotspots" view in the frontend on joomla3
- readmore was showing in the menu even though "Marker detailpage" was set to no
- making the links to k2 a little better
- running the intro text through the code of the SEF plugin
- the search - hotspots plugin was not properly working on joomla 2.5 and 3.0
- Added support for Joomla 3.0
- setting sticky to 0 when importing from sobi - this way one can edit a hotspot without losing the coordinates
- fixed - edit button in hotspots view was not working
- fixed - infowindow is not centered on the screen when we finish the ajax request
- updating the CB plugin and adding it to the main package
- sobiPRO import - added support for the GeoMap field
- fixed - import from sobiPRO was not working
- making the router function a little more clever. We try to match the hotspot category against the start category selected in the menu
- fixed - map was not working on IE8
- fixed - when editing a hotspot from the frontend the wrong category was selected
- publish/unpublish hotspots redirects to the wrong view
- zoom not working in single view
- don't rely on $ - avoids conflicts with incorrectly included jquery libraries
- fixed - readmore in menu firing wrong click event
- fixed - search results not showing custom markers
- search now has pagination and respects the list lenght limit set in the options
- fixed - infoWindow closes when moving around. Now it only closes when one changes the category
- fixed - js bug preventing the map in single view to show the location of the hotspot
- fixed - wrong redirects when entering a hotspot
- fixed - the geolocate button was not click-able in frontend submit form
- fixed - js error when loading the map with custom tiles
- fixed - wrong markers shown when a tab is closed
- fixed - when copying a search link and opening it in another tab the map now loads properly
- updating the stats module to show number of tiles + option to delete the tiles
- the hotspot name was shown in the div for the marker_address...
- removing \t \n \r from the ajax response - should reduce the file size a little
- fixed - comma is missing between address and town (infowindow)
- fixed -> wrong tiles generated when searching for something
- updated the liveupdate library - this fixes a bug with wrong version number displayed (no version number displayed)
- moving to downloadid instead of username&password for live update
- removed the information view as we use overview module in the dashboard for this
- fixed - miltiple KMLs were not shown in the same category
- added marker length parameter in the settings - controls how many markers are shown at once on the map
- added custom tiles support
- fixed - hardcoded language strings "There are X hotspots in your current view"
- fixed - unable to save KML files
- sticky marker option is saves as param - this way when one edits a hotspot and sticky is set to no - we won't replace address or lat & lng values
- search was not properly clearing the results in the menu
- description of categories was not visible in fullscreen
- continue to look for hotspots when we move around even if the infowindow is open
- added - option to hide the categories
- fixed - hiding menu hides categories as well
- fixed - menu is now showing uploaded image
- fixed - menu is now respecting the selected settings for country, author, date, address, user_inferface
- fixed - form view was not loading map in IE8
- fixed - some files were missing defined('_JEXEC') ...
- fixed - changing the hotspots.xml file so that it won't install on joomla 1.5 anymore
- fixed - use JString::substr for UTF-8 compatibility when copying images
- fixed - KML view was missing title image
- fixed - not showing edit form when SEF urls were on
- fixed - frontend input hotspots form had invalid html & display issues
- fixed - map not loading under IE8
- fixed - full screen not working under IE9
- an url to the search was not properly executing a search request
- user permission problems when editing in frontend fixed
- discription not shown in single view
- zoom control options were too big when submitting a new hotspot
- language strings updated
- implemented request:
- improved update from 2.0.5
- fixing hotspot submission bugs
- added new content plugin that allows you to show a hotspot in an article by using {hotspots hotspot=12} where 12 is the hotspot id
- when moving around hotspots are displayed way better!
- fixed "close tab" bug
- fixed the zoom bug (thanks Nedyalko)
- fixed layout issue in category edit screen (thanks for the report to Ed)
- improvements on the submit marker js
- fix for the sticky marker bug (thanks for the report to Ed)
- creating link to a single hotspot had a wrong modal window for selection (thanks for the report to Ed)
- Could not delete categories and hotspots in the backend (thanks for the report to Johnny)
- fixed a bug in the rss module in the backend
- the update db script was not adding index keys for gmlat and gmlng
- the package was containing unnecessary images...
- adding css for the next and previous buttons
- fixed a bug in the "show all tabs" option
- layout improvements
- clicking on marker in streetview will open the infowindow in the streetview mode
- performance improvements to the JS hotspots Module
- finding out the category of the article + using ContentHelperRoute to create the link to the hotspots (com_content)
- using K2HelperRoute class for K2 links
- fixed typo that caused the links to 3rd party components to not be created
- fixed bug with tabs in single view
- fixed the search... (it seems that it was broken in beta1...)
- added support for publish_up and down in frontend
- add marker view was not fully translatable
- adding back picture upload for markers
- custom marker image was not used in frontend
- fixed issue with searching and pagination in the backend
- some custom marker fields were not loaded
- backend hotspots was not loading on some linux servers
- updated some languages
- added turkish language - thanks for the translation!
- added a loader module to show loading progress
- added option to start without a category - centered on the directions
- added new dashboard in backend
- improvement to the frontend
- added send mail plugin for hotspot
- now it is possible to update from 2.0 to this version
- frotnend now respects joomla's ACL for adding hotspots
- fixed bug in the RSS feed
- further refactored js -it is starting to look really good!!!
- added send js module
- added print js moduule
- fixed date bug on 2.5
- unable to open hotspot
- saving settings was redirecting to wrong view
- refactored javascript (using namespace compojoom.hotspots from now on)
- added turkish frontend translation
- fixed notices
- removed unnecessary queries
- removed legacy code
- speed improvements category layout
- some parts of the interface were nto translated
- speed improvements to the Hotspots layout in the backend (large DBs - 100 000+ hotspots)
- added basic ACL support in the backend
- fixed clicking on KML's title didn't bring the edit screen
- fixed wrong links in menu (components dropdown)
- added sobiPro import
- fixed bug in link_to display in backend
- added plugin system enabling us to link to 3rd party components
- installer now installs all plugins
- corrected some js errors
- removed notices
- create a link to single hotspots not working
- added Italian translation
- added ukrainian translation
- fixed a problem creating a KML entry in the backend
- KML files are now shown on map (make sure that you are not accessing the site through localhost!)
- couldn't create hotspots trough the Backend again - due to missing sql fields in the sql file
- couldn't create hotspots trough the Backend
- we can now choose as many start/default categories as we want
- added KML views in the backend
- changed backend edit screen
- added custom marker image
- added server side Boundary method
- new javascript engine relying on "modules"
- =====================================================================
- =====================================================================
- Note
- New feature or addition
- ^ Major change
- Small change
- $ Language change
- * Security fix
- Bug fix
- Feature removal
Hotspots Core (dev release)
- Downloaded
- 1182 times
- File size
- 2.89 Mb
- Compatibility
This is a development release! DO NOT INSTALL ON PRODUCTION SITES!