Stable 6.1.9
- Maturity
- Stable
- Released on
- Monday, 06 February 2023 09:23
Check the release notes for all changes.
This release finally comes with custom fields support. This means that you are now able to define additional fields that your users have to fill out before submiting the comment. You can have a text field, checkbox or select field. Refer to our documentation for more details.
Another addition is support for EasySocial avatar and profiles. (if you get any errors in the frontend related to the avatar support make sure to open your settings in the backend and save them after that)
If you need a language pack look over here.
- Fix wrong db structure for old installations upgraded to the latest version
- Fix recaptcha causing a JS error when not enabled for a user group
- fix crash when trying to show CB avatars on joomla 4.x
- fix failing installation on some joomla 4 instances due to strict mysql
- behavior tooltip was causing a crash in the comment module on joomla 4- incorrect redirect in comment module
- thanks for the fix to @iona
# Fix crash on Joomla 4 when editing global settings
- Improve discuss import
# fix crash when editing a comment on PHP 8
# quote styling wasn't properly applied to comments
+ Added quote styling in comments
# Fixed uninstallation notices
# Fixed wrong upvote/downvote count
+ CComment is now Joomla4 compatible!
# Activity chart on dashboard was not rendering properly
# Fix failing new installations
# on Multilingual sites requests to vote, edit, quote were redirected with 301
+ it's now possible for users to change their own votes
# comment submission time was not properly translated on multilingual websites
# backend dashboard was missing the correct extension title
# in multilingual setup the comment needs modration message was not properly translated
# Form gravatar image was being loaded over http and not https
# Add comment on top when sorting by newest first
~ Updated jceeditor to version 2.1.3
~ Updated vuejs library to version 2.6.11
~ Updated vuex library to version 3.1.2
# hide reply button when the user is not able to post
# not able to press the edit button a second time
# uploading an image was not working correctly in some situations
+ use vue.js in production mode
# navigating to Easyblog comments was not working
# Polyfills were not working correctly in IE
# Polyfills were not working correctly in IE
# enforce name and email when this is set in the settings
# in some situations the edit button on a comment was shown to the wrong user
# when comments were moderated no message was displayed to the user that the comment was approved and is awaiting moderation
# default captcha was not validating properly
# recaptcha was not validating properly
+ new BBCode editor (SCEditor)
+ image upload with drag and drop
+ new template build on vuejs
- removed mootools dependeny in frontend template
# the reply button now respect the nesting level
+ added a onAfterPrepareComments event allowing you to change the json returned for the comment list
+ added a onAfterBuildQuery event that can be intercepted to modify the query fetching the comments from the db
~ changed the ip field to varchar(45) in order for it to sae ipv6 addresses
# custom fields values were not properly shown when editing the comment in the backend
+ added Reditem plugin
# disqus has ids that don't fit in the int columns that we have. Changed importid and parentimportid to bigint
# fixed import bug with disqus comments
+ add the title of the article in the search results
# wrong text in the search plugin
# jDownloads plugin now works with version > JDownloads 3.2
# configuration notes couldn't be saves
# quoting a comment was not showing the user's name for non-registered users. ([quoted=null]...[/quoted])
# nested comments were not shown on Joomla 2.5 (yes, we no longer officially support it, but we had to fix this :))
# the url bbcode was erroneously adding http: when we had https urls
# the BBcode class was throwing notices on PHP7
# routing issue on multilingual sites on an nginx server
# fixes to the jdownloads plugin
+ djclassified plugin
+ new view for the notification queue
# imported comments had wrong parent id
# when quoting the quoted user name is not respecting the layout use name setting
# when notify user was set to no, editing a comment was creating a new comment
# recaptcha incompatibility with matukio
+ when changing pages scroll always to the top of the comments
+ the categories for com_content are now shown nested in the settings
# the hotspots plugin is now compatible with Hotspots 5.2.0
+ ccomment can now install on installations with PDO mysql driver
# fixed a bug in the disqus import
# the event titles were not properly fetched from matukio
# notify "content creator moderator" was not working in matukio
- google has deprecated the ajax crawling implementation as they can craw pages as normal browsers now. Removed our implementation of it.
# editing a comment and selecting the option to be notified was throwing an error for missing e-mail
# user JEVHelper::getItemid() to determine the correct Itemid for jevents entries
# the jevents plugin now works with the latest jevents version 3.4
# [quote=undefined] when liking/disliking a comment after quoting
~ use CB code to get the correct plugin path
# wrong path to css file for the CB usercomment plugin
# wrong query on multilingual vm installs - thanks Max!
# the links to easyblog items were wrong
+ added option to control the length of the comment posted in the activity stream in Jomsocial
~ making some modifications to the default theme, so that it can better work on most templates
+ the comments in the Jomsocial stream can now be shown with name or username
# don't load the tooltips library when the option is not enabled in the settings
# content creator moderator was not working for com_hotspost
# moved the ZOO plugin to the system folder as it no longer worked as content plugin
~ the search in backend now looks also for the commenter's name & email
# delete icon in backend was not working
~ we now send a notification to the user when a moderator approves the comment through the link in the mail
# if the user selects to be notified of further e-mails validate the e-mail he has provided
# updating the CB plugins to be compatible with CB 2.x
# error in the docman integration when "content creator moderator" was set to yes
# the link to hwdmediashare item was wrong
# add a non-empty check for name and e-mail
# ccomment was not working properly on multilingual VM installs
# docman plugin couldn't be updated on new install
+ updated recaptcha to use the new "I'm human" recaptcha code
# fixed reordering issue with custom fields
# typo in the komento import script caused the import not to function - thanks to Jordan Weinstein for reporting and fixing!
# wrong comment count when a new comment is added
# when comments were sorted by "new entries first" sometimes nested comments were missing on page refresh
# typo in the update stream
# to ease some people added rel="nofollow" to our powered by link (even though the link is not indexed by search engines...)
# the "custom fields" text in the form was hardcoded
+ option to gather anonymous stats about the environment & configuration of the extension
+ added JED review request on the dashboard
# changelog in the PRO version was wrong
# unable to save comments in the backend
+ the docman plugin has been updated to support version 2 of the component
+ once the comment is submitted close the comment form completely
# the hotspots plugin now supports hotspots 5
# the ordering of the latest submitted comment was not correct
# EasySocial avatars now use the path specified in EasySocial
# don't show a custom field when it isn't filled out
# custom fields were rendered several times depending on how many fields there are
+ adding a checkbox custom field
+ added EasySocial avatar support
+ added EasySocial profile support
# cb comment wall plugin was not respecting the use_name setting
+ developer feature: onPrepareConfig event allowing you to override the config on initialization
+ added option to sort on best comments or worst comments first (based on the votes)
# cb installation was showing an error when no language file was present in the package
# wrong date format for the cb user comments plugin
+ custom fields support
# wrong link generated by the matukio plugin
# no longer display error loading feed on the dashboard
# wrong link to rss feed in the dashboard
# the installer plugin was missing from the PRO package
# wrong url for ajax requests on some installations
# when editing a comment, the wrong gravatar was fetched
# comment system was no longer loading when user wrote a comment and provided an email
# the installer plugin was missing for joomla 2.5
+ added an option to minify the javascript files
+ added an option to select the user groups that are allowed to post without moderation
+ added an option for comment maximum depth level
- no longer uses require.js
# on multilingual sites we no longer need 2 requests to fetch the comments
- removed features from core package: "disable comments in", "content creator moderator", "use names", "emoticons turn off"
CComment Core 6.1.9
- Downloaded
- 1990 times
- File size
- 2.90 Mb
- Compatibility
This is the main installation file for the free version of the component.