New template

New template

Sad, but a fact - no bug fix for today :(

I was thinking a lot how to fix this issue here The first thing I did was to search the forum(of course :)), since there was a proposed solution to the problem. Yea, but I didn't like the solution back then, and now I still don't like it.

It is 2009 and it is time for us to stop using tables for layout purposes. So, I started to make a new template for the beta 1. Today I managed to get the send comment form :) It is now not made with tables ladies and gentlemen :)

Here few screenshots:

and here with focus on the title:

What about the code you will ask?

Here is the old one

<div id='JOSC_formpos'>
<form name='joomlacommentform' method='post' action='{self}'>
<a name='CommentForm'></a>
<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='form'>
<td colspan='2'><div class='sectiontableheader'>
<div id='CommentFormTitle' align='center'>{_WRITECOMMENT}</div>
<tr class='sectiontableentry1'>
<td><div class='item'>{_ENTERNAME}</div></td>
<td><div class='item'>
<input name='tname' type='text' class='inputbox' size='40'
value='{username}' {registered_readonly}/>
<tr class='sectiontableentry1'>
<td><div class='item'>{_ENTEREMAIL}</div></td>
<td><div class='item'>
<input name='temail' type='text' class='inputbox' size='30'
value='{email}' {registered_readonly}/>
<tr class='sectiontableentry1'>
<td><div class='item'>{_ENTERWEBSITE}</div></td>
<td><div class='item'>
<input name='twebsite' type='text' class='inputbox' size='40' value='{website}'/>
<tr class='sectiontableentry1'>
<td><div class='item'>{_ENTERTITLE}</div></td>
<td><div class='item'>
<input name='ttitle' type='text' class='inputbox' size='40'/>
<tr id='CommentToolbar' class='sectiontableentry2'>
<td><div class='item'>{_UBBCODE}</div></td>
<td><div class='buttoncontainer'>
<div style='float: left;'> {UBBCodeButtons} </div>
<div style='float: left;'> {UBBCodeSelect} </div>
<tr class='sectiontableentry1'>
<td valign='middle'>{BLOCK-emoticons}{emoticons}{/BLOCK-emoticons}</td>
<td><div class='item'>
<textarea name='tcomment' class='inputbox' cols='{formareacols}' rows='10'></textarea>
<td class='sectiontableentry2'>
<table class='buttoncontainer' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td><input type='button' class='button' name='bsend'
value='{_SENDFORM}' onclick='JOSC_editPost(-1,-1)' /></td>
<td id='JOSC_busy'></td>
<td class='sectiontableentry2'>
<table class='captchacontainer' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td><input type='text' name='security_try' id='security_try'
size='15' maxlength='10' class='captchainput' /></td>
<tr class='sectiontableentry2'>
<td><div class='item'>
<td><div class='itemsmall'>{_CAPTCHATXT}</div></td>

A big mess, don't you think? So much tables and tds.... here is the new one:

<form name='joomlacommentform' id="joomlacommentform" method='post' action='{self}'>
<legend id='CommentFormTitle'>{_WRITECOMMENT}</legend>
<legend>Your Contact Details:</legend>
<label for="tname">{_ENTERNAME}</label>
<input name='tname' id="tname" type='text'
value='{username}' tabindex="1" {registered_readonly}/>
<label for="temail">{_ENTEREMAIL}</label>
<input name='temail' id="temail" type='text'
value='{email}' tabindex="2" {registered_readonly}/>
<label for="twebsite">{_ENTERWEBSITE}</label>
<input name='twebsite' id="twebsite" type='text' tabindex="3" value='{website}'/>
<label for="ttile">{_ENTERTITLE}</label>
<input name='ttitle' id="ttile" type='text' tabindex="4" />
<div id="emoticons">
<label for="tcomment">Message:</label>
<textarea name='tcomment' id="tcomment" cols='{formareacols}'
tabindex="5" rows='10'></textarea>
<input type='text' name='security_try' id='security_try' size='15'
maxlength='10' tabindex="6" class='captchainput' />
{security_image} {_CAPTCHATXT}
<input type='button' class='button' tabindex="7" name='bsend'
value='{_SENDFORM}' onclick='JOSC_editPost(-1,-1)' />
<div id='JOSC_busy'></div>

and here is the css for the form

#joomlacommentform fieldset {
margin: 1em 0;
padding: 1em;
border: solid 1px #CCCCCC;
background: #f8f8f8;

#joomlacommentform legend {
font-weight: bold;
#joomlacommentform fieldset fieldset legend {
font-weight: bold;
color: #999999;

#joomlacommentform label {
float: left;
width: 8em;

#joomlacommentform input {
width: 300px;
#joomlacommentform input#temail {
width: 198px;
#joomlacommentform input#ttile {
width: 328px;
#joomlacommentform textarea {
width: 400px;
height: 200px;

#joomlacommentform input:focus,
#joomlacommentform textarea:focus {
background: #FFFFCC;
border: 1px #FFC45F dotted;

#joomlacommentform div {
margin: 2px;

#emoticons {
padding-left: 8em;
.emoticon {
padding: 2px 1px;

So - no fixed bugs today, but a we got a stylish new comment form :) Now I have to think how to change the view of the comments. I will make it with lists, but more tomorrow :)

P.S. Do you see the new emoticons in the template? They were made from Jatin Joshi. A big thank you to him!

P.S.1 If you have any proposals how to make the above form even better don't hesitate to write a comment. (I would like to know how to style the send button - it looks a little bit funny right now :))

P.S.2 I lied - there was a bug fix today :) Revision 42 and Revision 43

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New template and comment indent fix
Bug with the censored words feature?