I have the same problem with beta2 and MMS Blog 2.30. I believe I've done all the necessary steps and still no comments on my MMSBLOG.
Searching for forum help reveals that a lot of others seem to have same problem.
beta2 mmsblog plugin
doesn't include installation instructions, and users downloading the plugin certainly don't realize if something extra is needed or not, and even if they did know it might be needed, it's pain to find up-to-date instructions and once you do find them you're puzzled... is this outdated as the beta2 is out already and the instructions were written way earlier... just do a
quick search
to see how many people have asked the same questions over and over again...
DO WE NEED THIS (as it doesn't really seem to help I need to ask)?
<!-- START joomlacomment INSERT -->
<div class="dm_description" style="text-align:center; vertical-align: bottom;">
global $option;
require(JPATH_SITE . "/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/$option/josc_com_mmsblog.php");
<!-- END OF joomlacomment INSERT -->
And do we put it where exactly? components/com_mmsblog/views/item/tmpl/default.php or components/com_mmsblog/views/items/tmpl/default.php, admin or public side or... perhaps as this person has done,
? At least he
sees something...
changing include to exclude doesnt help either...