Hey Michael,
1. Hotspots is a component, not a module - so the only way to show it is to make a menu leading to the component. We are also working on a module, but it will be available in the future. This module will be able to show the already published markers in a specific category, it won't have the option to publish a marker.
2. Sobi2 -
- if it is good for you or not - you are the one to decide.
3. Make sure that the media/com_hotspots/ folder and the folders in it are writable. (have the appropriate permissions so the system can write to them)
4. There is no option to define new fields. And you can do this with some php/ js knowledge, but there is no option for this in the backend of the component.
5. You can translate it to swedish and I'll be happy if you share your translation with us. We use the standard joomla 1.5 way to handle translations.
Read this for more info:
All you need to do is to go to lanaguage/en-GB/en-GB.com_hotspots.ini - copy this file to your language folder.
Rename it to xx-XX.com_hotspots.ini where xx is the abreviation of your language and translate the strings in it.
P.S. Btw - your site has just a login form