CForms for Joomla! documentation

Plugin Events

CForms brings support for Joomla plugins and allows you to execute your code and functions.

See also Creating a Plugin for Joomla

Frontend Submission:

(Context = com_cforms.submit)

onCformsValidateSubmission ($context, $fieldData, $form)

$fieldData contains an array of the submitted fields.

$form contains the form object for which the submission is sent

If you return an false (type: boolean!) the submission will fail and redirect the user back to the form. Make sure your enqueue (use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage() for this) an error message for the user!

Please note for administrators in the backend all validation rules are turned off.

onCformsBeforeSaveSubmission ($context, $submission, $form)

Triggered before the save of the submission.

$submission contains the JTable object for the submission table including all data.

The return value is ignored.

onCformsAfterSaveSubmission ($context, $submission, $form)

Triggered after the save of the submission.

$submission contains the JTable object for the submission table including all data.

The return value is ignored.