CForms for Joomla! documentation

Database Changelog

CForms is using SQL schema files instead of plain SQL files, in order to make updates more stable. If any issues occur, just visit the CForms dashboard, and the SQL issues should be automatically fixed.


Version 0.9.3

Added #__cforms_template table for the export templates.

Version 0.9.5 Beta

Initial version

Version 2.0.0

Add column condition in the field table

ALTER TABLE `#__cforms_field` ADD `conditions` text NOT NULL AFTER `params`;

Add column (bool) showLabel in the field table

ALTER TABLE `#__cforms_field` ADD `showLabel` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `required`;

Add column hidden in field table

ALTER TABLE `#__cforms_field` ADD `hidden` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{"Xs": false, "Sm": false, "Md": false, "Lg": false}' AFTER `sizeLg`;

Version 3.0.0

Add column stepHeading in form table

ALTER TABLE `#__cforms_form` ADD `stepHeading` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none' AFTER `bootstrapType`;

Add column design in form table

ALTER TABLE `#__cforms_form` ADD `design` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none' AFTER `bootstrapType`;

Add column mapping in field table

ALTER TABLE `#__cforms_field` ADD `mapping` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}' AFTER `ordering`;

Add column uuid in submission table

ALTER TABLE `#__cforms_submission` ADD `uuid` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `id`;