CComment docs
PhocaDownload – com_phocadownload (Pro feature)
Go to your Joomla backend -> components -> CComment -> settings -> new, from the component dropdown field select com_phocadownload and click next. Save the new configuration. Now you need to make few changes to the phoca view files:
-in /components/com_phocadownload/views/category/tmpl/default.php
after :
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
JLoader::discover('ccommentHelper', JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_comment/helpers');
Now navigate to the default_files.php (in the same folder):
Find the following code (around line 408):
echo $pdFileDescBottom;
And after it add:
echo '<div class="pd-buttons">';
echo ccommentHelperUtils::commentInit('com_phocadownload',$v);
echo '</div>';
Now when you navigate to a category in phocadownload you should see a write comment button. (you can style this button with CSS)
To show the comment form when the user goes to single view navigate to components/com_phocadownload/views/file/tmpl/default.php and fine the following code:
if ($this->tmpl['display_file_comments'] == 1) {
if (JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_jcomments', true)) {
$o .= JComments::showComments($v->id, 'com_phocadownload_files', JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_FILE') .' '. $v-
Right after it add:
JLoader::discover('ccommentHelper', JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_comment/helpers');
echo ccommentHelperUtils::commentInit('com_phocadownload', $v);