CComment docs

Mtree – com_mtree (Pro feature)

Go to your Joomla backend -> components -> CComment -> settings -> new, from the component dropdown field select com_mtree and click next. Save your configuration.

Now you need to make changes to your mtree template files:

  • Create a new file compojoom.tpl.php and place it in components/com_mtree/templates/your_template . This file should have the following content:

     * @package - com_comment
     * @author: DanielDimitrov -
     * @date: 02.04.13
     * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2008 - 2013 . All rights reserved.
     * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
    JLoader::discover('ccommentHelper', JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_comment/helpers');
    echo ccommentHelperUtils::commentInit('com_mtree', $this->link, $this->mtconf);
  • Now go to page_listing.tpl.php and comment out or delete this line:

    if ($this->mt_show_review) include $this->loadTemplate( 'sub_reviews.tpl.php' );

    after that add this line:

    include $this->loadTemplate('compojoom.tpl.php');
  • Now go to sub_listingSummary.tpl.php and find the following code:

    if( $this->config->get('show_review') )
        echo '<span class="reviews">';
        echo '<a href="' . JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_mtree&task=viewlink&link_id=' . $link->link_id . '&Itemid='  . $this-
    >Itemid ) . '">' . $this->reviews[$link->link_id]->total . ' ' . strtolower(JText::_( 'Reviews' )) . '</a>';
        echo '</span>';
    echo '</div>';

    Comment it out or delete and add the following lines:

    $this->link = $link;
    include $this->loadTemplate( 'compojoom.tpl.php' );

Now you should see CComment in Mtree.