1. Przemyslaw Kacprzak
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Bug report
  4. Friday, 03 November 2017
  5.  Subscribe via email
Dear Matukio designers,

I really like your component and it's very useful for many of us, but only when IT WORKS! Unfortunately, recently I have more days when it's not working then when it does. I'm rally starting to look for some other, commercial component, that doesn't have so many bugs more and more. Can you please take more care about your product before you take a money for it?

At the moment, my bookings don't work, because nobody can register. When you press "Book" button you get 500 error. Yes, I know I need to open and save Booking Fields form and I did it like 4 times. I've edit Default Booking Form, also Booking tab in Event editing window and it' doesn't help.
The funny is that the old events, before update with a lot of Custom Fields are working good - Book button works, but as soon as I delete Custom Fields in that event by choosing "Delete Custom Booking Form" the problem is the same - Book button redirects to Error 500:

"Your form is missing a fee / quantity select, please add one in the form edit. Did you load and save the booking form once?"

Can you please fix this problem or just give me back the money I spent and I will find another component for it. It's to serious part of our website to be untrustfull.
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