1. Berd
  2. CMC - Mailchimp for Joomla!
  3. Friday, 24 October 2014
  4.  Subscribe via email
The Thankyou (or update) messages don't appear once the submit is sent.
The module is working and doing the subscribe, I get the subscriber e-mail from Mailchimp but no Thankyou message on screen. This only happens when i assign the module to the home page, when i assign it for example to the contact page it just works fine and it shows the thank you text. So it has to be a script conflict.
How can i fix this?

Responses (4)
Yves Hoppe
Support team
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Berd,

without a link to your home page it is hard to say. :) (If you want to keep it private, just drop us a line at contact-us@compojoom.com)


  1. more than a month ago
  2. CMC - Mailchimp for Joomla!
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello thanks for helping me out, you can see my site here: My Website
The module is located in mid-top (Nieuwsbrief GIJS)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. CMC - Mailchimp for Joomla!
  3. # 2
Yves Hoppe
Support team
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Two JavaScript errors:

One by your template, one by com_bt_media

Timestamp: 24.10.14 09:30:22
Error: TypeError: $(...).ready is not a function
Source File: http://www.gijsgroningen.nl/templates/gijs/js/timesfx.js
Line: 1

Timestamp: 24.10.14 09:30:22
Error: ReferenceError: BT is not defined
Source File: http://www.gijsgroningen.nl/
Line: 106

Probably some errors are also caused by an outdated jQuery version:

The problem:

<script src="http://www.gijsgroningen.nl/components/com_adsmanager/js/jquery-1.8.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Correct one (In Joomla 3.3 jQuery is provided by Joomla itself)
<script src="/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Is there no update for com_adsmanager?

There is generally a mess of javascript libraries on your home page (jquery ui also loaded multiple times etc. ), you should really try to merge that!

And your template uses jQuery not in compatibility mode, which is required in order for mootools and jquery work together (that's causing the first error):


$(document).ready(function () {

should be for example


You should really try to clean that up - maybe there are updates for your template and extensions.


  1. more than a month ago
  2. CMC - Mailchimp for Joomla!
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thanks for the information, i found out that the modules from the BT- gallery is the problem, when i unpublish these the module works. Should i contact BT-gallery for this?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. CMC - Mailchimp for Joomla!
  3. # 4
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