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  3. Friday, 27 January 2012
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Hello there,

Just wondering how third party components integration works. Does the coding has to be done by the CompoJoom crew, or by third party component's devs ?

For example, i need support for K2, JDownloads, PhocaGallery, standard WebLinks, and BookLibrary. If i jfollow the CompoJoom route, should i ask you, or these third party devs, for integration of your comment system to take place ?

I'm also using a phpBB3 bridge, p8pbb Bridge from Blogomunity (works really great here), is there a way to use Avatars and user's Profiles from this component into CompoJoom, knowing that most of the users on my website are using the phpBB3 profile to tweak their infos (which are automatically reflected in the J! profile, except Avatar) ? p8pbb Bridge supports CB and JomSocial, but i don't need these, any chance to make this happen ?

Thanks for reading.
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