1. Tierney
  2. Newbies area
  3. Wednesday, 24 February 2010
  4.  Subscribe via email
Is there a way to have it so that each post has it's own "comment link"? If an article has multiple comments, I want my users to be able to copy the url for that link and email it to whomever. With the URL, it will take you right to that post. An example of what I'm talking about is at this link "http://demo.getk2.org/en/component/k2/item/21-novara-safari-touring-bike#comment156". Scroll down about 3/4 way down the page, and you'll see where it says "10 comments". Next to the comments, you'll see "comment links". K2 offers this feature for their comments, but the problem is that you can't reply to their comments. Besides, I like !joomlacomments better. Is this possible with Joomlacomments? If not, do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
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