1. Royal Trude
  2. Newbie area
  3. Wednesday, 31 October 2012
  4.  Subscribe via email
Upgrade from J1.7 to J2.5 fails to show markers in the frontend, from any category.

New J2.5 db contains NEW tables
which were copied from respective OLD J1.7 tables jos_*.*

Site: http://www.kalamies.com
Direct link to Hotspots: http://www.kalamies.com/kalastus-kartta

Related topic & post on forum: https://compojoom.com/forum/46-installation-questions/14976-update-to-joomla-2-5#18106 (as the task was really a simple one, one can only wonder how on earth the markers are not showing!)

Most of not all the markers are based in Finland.

Backend shows:
Total Nr. of Hotspots 642
Published Hotspots 634
Unpublished Hotspots 8

Backend seems to be reading the table just fine. Cache has been cleared a number of times. Front end just doesn't show them.

Please advice.
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