1. Alexander
  2. Installation
  3. Friday, 13 November 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
I know there are similair topics on this forum, but they were no help. So I started this one since I am unable to post comments. First of some specs of my installation.

Mysql version 4.1.21
Database utf8_general_ci
PHP version 5.2.4
Webserver Apache/2.0.46 (CentOS)
Joomla! 1.5.15 DutchJoomla! Stable [ Wojmamni Ama Mamni ]
Joomlacomment 4.0 beta 2

Could it have something to do with my hoster running Mysql 4?

When I run in debug mode, I get the following which ends with a popup saying: 'Ajaxready: KO ! Status=500'

##URL=http://www.staalenco.nl/index.php ?option=com_comment&no_html=1&component=&joscsectionid=4&josctask=ajax_insert&comment_id=-1&content_id=198&tname=Alexander%20Staal&temail=automatic&twebsite=&ttitle=fhfgh&tcomment=ghdfhgfhgfhhgfhh
##onReadyStateChange=function JOSC_editPostResponse() {
if (JOSC_ajaxReady()) {
if (JOSC_http.responseText.indexOf("invalid";) == -1) {
var form = document.joomlacommentform;
var element = document.getElementById("Comments";);
var xmlDocument = JOSC_getXmlResponse(true);
if (!xmlDocument) {
return 0;
var id = JOSC_xmlValue(xmlDocument, "id";);
var captcha = JOSC_xmlValue(xmlDocument, "captcha";);
if (captcha) {
if (id == "captchaalert";) {
return 0;
if (id == "captcha";) {
return 0;
anchor = "josc" + id;
var idsave = id;
id = "post" + id;
var body = JOSC_xmlValue(xmlDocument, "body";);
var post = document.getElementById(id);
var after = JOSC_xmlValue(xmlDocument, "after";);
var noerror = JOSC_xmlValue(xmlDocument, "noerror";);
if (noerror == 0) {
form.tcomment.value = JOSC_http.responseText;
return 0;
var published = JOSC_xmlValue(xmlDocument, "published";);
if (published == 0) {
form.tcomment.value = "";
if (self.JOSC_afterAjaxResponse) {
return 0;
if (post) {
var className = JOSC_getPostClass(post);
var indent = post.style.paddingLeft;
JOSC_insertAdjacentHTML(post, "beforeBegin", body);
newPost = document.getElementById(id);
JOSC_setPostClass(newPost, className);
newPost.style.paddingLeft = indent;
JOSC_modifyForm(_JOOMLACOMMENT_WRITECOMMENT, _JOOMLACOMMENT_SENDFORM, function (event) {JOSC_editPost(-1, -1);});
form.tname.value = JOSC_userName;
if (document.getElementsByName("temail";)[0]) {
form.temail.value = JOSC_userEmail;
if (document.getElementsByName("website";)[0]) {
form.website.value = JOSC_userWebsite;
if (self.JOSC_afterAjaxResponse) {
} else {
if (!after || after == -1) {
if (JOSC_sortDownward != 0) {
if (JOSC_postREFRESH) {
} else {
JOSC_insertAdjacentHTML(element, "afterBegin", body);

Anybody? I already set SH404SEF to ignore Joomlacomment.
Responses (5)

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