1. François Plamondon
  2. General Talk
  3. Monday, 15 August 2011
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I'm using the component "JoomD" and my boss asked to me to add comments on this...

I was looking for a plugin but many just for articles.
When i red this sentence, i think it could be the solution : If the component you use is not in the list then you can use the graphical interface, mach the necessary tables and fields and you are ready to import your comments from any extension.

Is it complex doing that ?
I want to try but if i pay for that and i can't plug it with JoomD, i don't think you have cash-back si ?
Can you explain me more or documentation about that please.

By the way, actually, JoomD have a SH404SEF plugin actived.
But before activated : /recherche.html?view=joomd&layout=detail&id=30
It's the ID who change and it shows 800 shoppings in my region.
After activated : /component/option,com_joomd/Itemid,8/id,30/layout,detail/view,joomd/
But if i have to put the SEF OFF for JoomD, it could be possible.

And do you have a comment module if i have to add it manually for the reason that the link menu give another one and is not managed with your compojoom comments ? I'm using Advanced Module Manager so i can tell to the module more than just the menu assigment.

Do you think it's possible ?
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