1. PcWorms, s.r.o.
  2. General
  3. Tuesday, 18 February 2014
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Mandatory information about my setup:

Have I searched the tickets before posting? yes
Have I searched the forum before posting? yes
Have I read the documentation before posting (which pages?)? No
Joomla! version: 3.2.2
PHP version: (unknown)
MySQL version: (unknown)
Matukio version: 3.0.8
Direct link to the page that shows the issue: http://www.pcworms.sk/sopza
login: profesor / pass: sopza

Description of my issue:
Hi compojoom team
I have several "request" or question
First of all I would like to describe you what for I need your component
I am preparing student portal for booking an exams at the university.
So there are several things I need to solve:
I am talking about "frontend" as I need to allow profesors to add their exams to the system and allow students to boot them.

1. Catedories - Is it possible to make "subcategories"
2. sarch / filter - is it possible to add another filter "by organizer" and may be by "subcategory"?
3. is is possibel to "hide" some fields which I do not need? ("number" ,additional settings ...)
4. allow "one click book" for students - as it was at Seminar (i do not need any additional inforamtions form students as all are in the system already.

I have siginificant problems with templates - but hopefully this I can fix by my own. If not I will contact you again.
Thank you for your support and it is realy greate that you continue with this great tool.

Best regards
Michal Stefanko
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