1. Kian Kian
  2. Plugins
  3. Wednesday, 09 December 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email

I was mulling the idea of running myblog and then integrating Joomlacomment into it over your lovely bridge.

However, I have a question.

I want to have unlimited registered users each be able to maintain their own MyBlog.

1. Now, is it possible to set Joomlacomment to allow each of these users to moderate comments that are made to their own blog (but not to others')?

2. If not 1, is it possible to make all comments autopublish? However, meanwhile I do not want to change the global option to autopublish, so that comments on main articles are still subject to admin moderation.

Can you please advise whether this is possible?

I strongly assume that this is not possible out of the box, but thought I'd ask anyway, as you often produce unexpected magic anyway.

If not, would the best approach presumably be to install Azrul's commenting system as a stand-alone comment system only for user blogs? I would obviously prefer sticking with Joomlacomment for both, if possible.

ps: the 4.0 beta 2 works a charm, very very lovely, good work if I haven't said so already.

pps: on a different note and completely off topic (sorry), just a suggestion for a future feature in the 'ToBeModerated comment email' - what would be totally awesome is if each of these emails would contain a link with a magic code, that when clicked takes you straight to a magic page that automatically approves the comment.

This way, you can moderate comments from a blackberry/mobile messaging device really really easily with one click, rather than trying to log into the back-end over mobile web-browser, which is a bit of a pain (though not insurmountable). Just a thought...
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