1. lunomad
  2. Bug Report
  3. Friday, 27 February 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi. I just launched my second joomla site--first using !joomlacomment.

On v.3.26 I seem to have come across two bugs in the quote escaping.

1. In comment titles, all quotes and apostrophes ( " and ' ) are displayed with a leading backslash: ( \\" and \\') when displayed on the frontpage as a preview (readmore...) AND under "manage comments" in the back-end. ("Test comment's" displays as \\"Test comment\\'s\\";)

This leads to bug #2

2. Our site moderators are seeing the backslashes and trying to edit them out in the backend. But in the backend comment editor includes backslashes with apostrophes for both the titles AND the comment body. So after one attempt to edit just the title, we get:

title: \"Test comment\'s\"
body: How\\'s "this"

Some of our moderators have tried to edit the same post title dozens of times without seeing the apostrophe buried in the comment. We have a few posts now that have several backslashes.

title: \"Test comment\'s\"
body: How\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s "this"
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