1. Silvena Ralinova
  2. Plugins
  3. Wednesday, 18 February 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
I'm using !Joomlacomments 3.26 for some articles on my web page and I'm really glad of using this component.
I want to use it also in my gallery (JoomGallery by JoomGallery, ProjectTeam). So I find the com_REPLACEnewplugin.zip and I took a look at the folder ...\administrator\components\com_comment\plugin.

1. I made a copy of com_docman, renamed it to com_joomgallery. In the admin panel I have com_joomgallery as option for new content, so I think this item is correct?!
2. I replaced "docman" in the filenames with "joomgallery". But I didn't replaced anything in the code yet .

My question now is about the new created josc_com_joomgallery_item(doc).php file.
There is written:
* include the following instructions :

..... OK I'll include them, but where should be this file:

* at the end of the following file :
* components/com_docman/themes/.../templates/documents/list_item(document).tpl.php
* HTML part of the code can be changed ! according to the theme...

Somewhere in my default template? I'm using ja_purity (lighter).
I'll appreciate any help, thanks. :unsure:
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