1. Chikelu Agu
  2. General
  3. Tuesday, 30 October 2012
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 I just migrated my Wordpress to Joomla but I wasn't so impressed with the output. For instance some images that were aligned to the center of the page in wordpress were aligned to the left in Joomla. Also the text encoding had problems. Foe instance in Wordpress I have:

Cocoa butter is a hard butter which can be used for many different uses – in food products, hair care products and skin care products. It is even used in making black soap among other soaps.

while in Joomla, I have:

Cocoa butter is a hard butter which can be used for many different uses – in food products,  hair care products and skin care products. It is even used in making black soap among other soaps.

There are many other instances where this happened. Why is this so ?
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