1. Dayana
  2. Newbies area
  3. Wednesday, 30 December 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi, a friend and I are working on a site which we intend to launch this Friday. We loved your component, which was just what we needed, and hadn't had any problems with it until recently.
During the past few days we've had problems posting, whenever we post a comment it doesn't appear immediately, only appearing after reloading the page (and yet sometimes doesn't even appear). Besides that, we can't remove comments straight from the page, even as Super Administrators, only through the back-end comment management. To add to all this, when voting on a comment, the page goes to the bottom and the vote only appears after reloading.
We've already uninstalled and reinstalled the component to see if it helps, but unfortunately it didn't... Could anyone help out here?
PS: If it matters, we've been doing some server transferring and stuff the last few days...
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