1. Greg
  2. Bugs
  3. Tuesday, 06 September 2011
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi, when i click sent the following error occurs and nothing happens

Event thread: click
Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'form.temail' to object
Error thrown at line 38, column 1 in JOSC_editPost(id, parentid) in http://riversideband.pl/en/components/com_comment/joscomment/templates/magazineJoomla/js/custom.js:
called from line 1, column 0 in (event):

I'm using the latest Compojoom and magazineJoomla template

there is also information that
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null custom.js:5
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'disabled' of undefined custom.js:38
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