1. piotrek
  2. Plugins
  3. Wednesday, 07 October 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
I have Joomla 1.5.14, !JoomlaComment ver. 4.0 alpha and Module mod_comments ver. 4.0 and I have problem.
On my site I have rewrite URL and easy URL. For example: standard domain: http://demo.ostrowiecka.pl
Section: sport: http://demo.ostrowiecka.pl/sport/
I have problem with the URL's in module mod_comments. I want the latest comment and address should be redirect to article in section and category. In Your module script create URL to component/content and ID's article (e.g. compontent/content/2207 etc.), but before should be article (e.g. component/content/article/2207 etc.). I want other module, which create URL with the rewrite URL. So my address to comment's article should be: http://demo.ostrowiecka.pl/sport/pilka-nozna/2207 etc. Can You help me how do make it? Please...

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