1. Al
  2. Bug Report
  3. Monday, 26 January 2009
  4.  Subscribe via email
First of all let me thank you for a cool tool.
Now, I'm having a problem I think only you could help m with:

When trying to import comments fro Easyguestbook, I ran into a problem. even though I tried many different combination in the settings of the impot I keep on getting the same error:
Import canceled ! Comments imported from jos_easygb and for com_content ALREADY EXIST !!

Also below it I get a long error message which I attach as an image as well, which by the way then also appears when I want to edit comments under MANAGE COMMENTS.


PS... How are you supposed to attach images here??
HEY... this is the wierd.. I now see one of the images.. anyway.. lets see what happens

let me copy paste the error massage:

Unknown column 'c.importtable' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM jos_comment AS c LEFT JOIN jos_content AS ct ON ct.id = c.contentid WHERE c.component = '' AND ( LOWER(c.comment) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(ct.title) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.name) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.website) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.email) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.ip) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.importtable) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' )DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'c.importtable' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT c.*, u.email AS usermail, ct.title AS ctitle FROM jos_comment AS c LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u ON u.id = c.userid LEFT JOIN jos_content AS ct ON ct.id = c.contentid WHERE c.component = '' AND ( LOWER(c.comment) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(ct.title) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.name) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.website) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.email) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.ip) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' OR LOWER(c.importtable) LIKE '%jos_easygb%' ) ORDER BY c.id DESC LIMIT 0,20
[img size=639]http://compojoom.com/components/com_agora/img/members/1339/Picture_1.png[/img]
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