1. Ube
  2. Bug report
  3. Thursday, 26 October 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email
Detailed data from the last person making a booking to a trip are pre filled in the booking form of a new participant to an event. I was informed by one of our participants making a new booking and was able to reproduce this by making a booking to the same event myself.

  • I received the same information of the last booking pre filled in my own booking form, exposing all private info of the last participant.
  • I switched off the function to pre-fill a booking form with information from your own previous bookings but when I booked a new event myself I saw the same detailed info of the last participant.
  • After I made a fake booking myself with fake data (fill in last name in the field lastname etc.) I was able to more or less reset the booking form to mitigate our privacy issue.
  • If I make a booking to an other event without participants yet, I get an empty booking form, despite the fact that I made previous bookings myself and was expecting my personal

This is a very nasty bug because it concerns the privacy of our participants and we already recieved angry complaints.

A link to the event that exposes info of previous bookings is provided in the site details section.

A PDF with a pre filled in booking form (with data from my fake booking) is provided as attachment.

Best regards, peter
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