1. Josh Lewis
  2. Wishlist
  3. Tuesday, 16 April 2013
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In late 2011 I was given a custom mod to have portable comments using a {comments} tag. This allowed me to place in comments into a tab using {comments} as the syntax. But now that CComments is having a major upgrade, I assume this won't work anymore. So why not have it built into CComments? Jcomments officially has it built in with no known issues. All one has to do with Jcomments to set it up is go to the plugin "Content - JComments" and change the option of "Content Event" (at the bottom) from OnAfterDisplayContent to OnPrepareContent. Here's an example of this using jcomments.

I attached the modded version that you gave me a while back (the changes are near the bottom)

I like to keep my software as up to date as possible, so I'm sure you wouldn't want to keep making me mods. And you know I don't want to go "portabeless". ;) Why is this so important? Because I'm trying to make my site as user friendly as possible using consolidation methods. Tabs happened to be the best option.

So to make it so no one else is inconvenienced from this, have it disabled by default. Perhaps having the option in the plugin config with two options of OnAfterDisplayContent and OnPrepareContent. I can even give an example of how this was coded to if needed.
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