1. Martin Eriksen
  2. General
  3. Tuesday, 31 January 2012
  4.  Subscribe via email
HWPhoto works fine, JVarcade works fine after installing the plugin, HWVideo says:
oomlacomment: unexpected error. No plugin found for component '' !

I just need to know if you have a solution to my error in video component?

I have joomla 2.5.

Also, I can not figure out how to turn of editing of comments for users(Can not have a user be able to edit his post after other persons already answered to it - however a function with 30 minutes after posted would be nice but for now I just need it gone)

How to turn of the title?

http://www.earthoftomorrow.com (website loads slow - speeding up things is last step)


PS: Thanks for a nice commenting system. I am most happy with how it works.
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