1. Fred 63
  2. Bug report
  3. Friday, 16 June 2023
  4.  Subscribe via email

Please notice 2 bugs on com_hotspots/layouts/hotspots/single-map.php
map_height and zoom doesn't exist anymore.

You need to change to map_height_single and map_startzoom_single

on line 43

HotspotsHelperUtils::createJSConfig(array('mapHeightSingle' => $params->get('map_height', 200), 'mapStartZoomSingle' => $params->get('zoom', 12)))

replace to :

HotspotsHelperUtils::createJSConfig(array('mapHeightSingle' => $params->get('map_height_single', 200), 'mapStartZoomSingle' => $params->get('map_startzoom_single', 12)))

Can you please include this in next release ?
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