1. Mien
  2. Newbies area
  3. Wednesday, 18 March 2009
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Hey everyone, im completely new to joomlacomment. Im using it only for the seyret component, which was reaaaally easy to install!

I actually am completely satisfied with the looks too, why make a customized templare! Im currently using the akostyle html template, which automaticly selects a css file along with it. Now i just have a few lines, from which i cant figure out where to adjust the colors. I made a screenshot and circled the lines which i would like to change (to a lighter grey).

Who can help me point out where the css is located of the border lines and the grey voting lines?

Thanks in advance and great component!

Regards, [img size=598]http://www.compojoom.com/components/com_agora/img/members/184/jc.jpg[/img]
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