1. Maik Grunitz
  2. Modules and Plugins
  3. Monday, 24 April 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hello compojoom,

I am actually investigating the possibility to develop a plugin which adds a new customfield-type to index.php?option=com_matukio&view=customfield&layout=edit.

I digged a little bit into the code and found libraries/compojoom/form/customfields where they are globally (?) built.
Is it possible to built a plugin that extends the available customfield options for the admin while creating new fields?

Otherwise I would have to hardcode it - is this lib-folder used by all of your extensions?
Could you point me into the right direction where to start at all, please?
I need a flexible customfield which does a sql query, where should it be built? Is there a class which could be extended - the available plugin events (via https://compojoom.com/documentation/matukio-new?view=book&page=91:Plugin%20Events) are not appropriatably usable for this type of task ;)

Best regards, and thx in advance,
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