1. Jip Jonker
  2. General
  3. Friday, 31 August 2018
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Hi! When I add a comment to an Joomla articles I see the comment after saving it. But after reloading the page, the comment is gone. Even with caching in Joomla is disabled (no caching in the CMS settings and no page caching) this happens. On the same page there is also a latest comments module. This does show the new comment, but the plugin does not.

Only after a 'hard' refresh in the browser the comment shows up below the article. So This might be browser caching, but the since the comment does show up in the module after a normal refresh, why doesn't it show in the content?

I have had some complaints from clients that new comments are not shown on articles, but they do show up in the module and in a blog view that shows the count of comments. So only the plugins seems to have some 'delay' or caching issues.

Can this be fixed somehow?

Kind regards,
Jip Jonker
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