1. Gary
  2. Bugs
  3. Monday, 14 March 2022
  4.  Subscribe via email
CMC Version 4.1.2 Joomla 3.10.6
We set the field order in the module ie Email,First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone.
But when the module is saved the Address field always moves back to the top ahead of the names and everything else and in the form on the page it appears first. We NEED the Email first, then First and Last Name and Address last. That is the order of the form in Mail chimp.
The reason is that the only information we require of subscribers is their email and name. Address is optional and should be the last things on the form. We do not need subscribers to have to scroll down the form to put in the required info.
How can we fix this? It appears that the fields are setting to order alphabetically and not in the order we list them in the module.
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