1. Steve Burke
  2. General
  3. Tuesday, 15 June 2010
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I've seen this asked a few times, but I'm having trouble figuring it out myself. I have compojoom comments (upgraded from JoomlaComment) installed and configured... finally fixed up my template to look pretty :) now I just have to link the username to their JomSocial profile, and also make their JomSocial avatar appear.

I found this post: http://compojoom.com/blog/8-news/97-joomlacomment-and-jomsocial-integration#josc8816

But I can't find the file to modify, if it even exists in compojoomcomment. Can anyone tell me where to start? Thanks!
http://www.GamersNexus.net is the site, if you want to see a test article w/ comments it is here. (just scroll down).

I should probably start a new topic for this, but I also can't get the MyBlog plugin working... it's just not even showing up on the blog pages. I have added the content item in settings and enabled the plugin, any input?
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