1. Lena
  2. Newbie area
  3. Sunday, 27 October 2013
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I read somewhere that the limitation was 100 per category, but I can't find that info again. I hope that's correct. I figured I could just split the categories into regions and then I wouldn't have to try the back-end method. Here is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish: http://www.sanidumps.com/maps/index.php?id=14. I accidentally asked all of this in the comment section of the documentation, so apologies for that. And by the way, I'm currently only working on two states to test out your product, each state is its own category, but both showed up in the top bar, which I didn't select. I mean when I set it up in the menu I only chose one category (don't even know if you can choose more than one yet), but by default it seems both showed up. So I selected the option to not show any categories, which works, but I thought maybe this was a bug??

Thank you!
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